The rest of the summer break went by too fast. Mom woke me up at 6 a.m. this morning to get ready for the first day of school.
I got up and got showered, trying to look my best to impress my teachers. I decided to go with a yellow flowery dress to make me seem mature, since I am a junior this year. Mom said she would take me to school today, then she was going to go hunt for jobs in the area. We got in the car, heading to the high school. I know mom probably wants to talk about things, but I have a hard time finding my words.
"Mom, I'm sorry."
"What are you talking about?"
"I didn't know that you and dad weren't getting along, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you."
"Oh honey, it's not your fault. I guess I've known for a while, but I wanted to be sure before I did anything."
"Mom, who is it?"
"I don't know, your dad wouldn't tell me."
"I don't want to go to dad's house next weekend. What if she's there?"
"You'll make it through, it's only a few days. Well, we're here. Love you honey, hope you have a great day!"
"Thanks, mom! I'll see you after school."
I'm glad the ice has been broken between mom and me, but I know there's still a long way to go. I know she's still hurt, I need to find a way to heal her. The school seems smaller than it did last year, maybe because I grew a few inches over the summer. The first class of the day was history, it dragged on forever. Next was math, it seemed way too early to start doing equations. My third hour was P.E., but we just handed out uniforms during class. After P.E., I headed to foods, where we made brownies from scratch. I was so full from the brownies that I didn't even eat lunch after class. I had one more class to go to, English, and I was late.

Life With A Stepmom
Teen FictionHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!