I wish that my mom would have told me that she was going to be out of the state for her work. Ever since the divorce, it just feels like she's being distant from me. I mean, I do love staying with dad and Rose, but I wish that I got to spend some time with mom too. This just pisses me off, she never even called to tell me. She had someone else deliver a message because she's never been good at breaking the bad news. I hate her, she sucks at being my mom.
The rest of the day was just a drag until I went to Rose's class. One of the kids in my class totally blew up on her. The kid's name is Hunter Robinson. He's a total jock, but he has a little bit of a wild side. I only know that because he was at the party that Victoria and I snuck out to when we got in trouble. Rose had been explaining the upcoming project that was going to be due. She said that we are going to have to find a partner that is opposite of our gender. Hunter freaked out saying that this assignment was stupid. He used a few choice words that I care to not repeat. I could tell that Rose was very angry. If our school enforced corporal punishment, he would definitely be bent over the desk right now. Instead, Rose told him to go outside of the classroom, and she would come talk to him in just a minute. Hunter got up and walked out of the classroom slamming the door shut on the way out. I'm sure that Hunter is going to have detention at our house for a really long time.
After Rose instructed the rest of the class on what we should be doing, she stepped out of the classroom to go talk to Hunter. The class stayed silent when she left the classroom. I think that none of us wanted to be on her bad side. Lots of us have been on her bad side before, and nothing good ever comes from it. After a few minutes, we started hearing some shouting coming from outside the door.
"Please, let go of my ear. It hurts."
"No, come on. We are going to the principal's office. I am done dealing with you. You are wasting precious class time with your arrogant attitude and disrespect."
Hunter was definitely feeling the wrath of Rose.
"Don't make me call your mom Hunter Robinson. I know how she would discipline you at home, or have you forgotten that your mom and I went to school together?"
"Okay, fine. I won't resist. Just please don't pull that hard on my here."
We could hear their steps moving down the hallway getting quieter. If that wasn't enough to make him blush, it was for me. I would have died if that had been me out in that hallway. It was kind of cute that he resisted for that long. I'll have to get his number from someone after school today. Fifteen minutes later, Rose came back into the classroom by herself. She went up to the board and wrote what our homework is for today. I got the homework wrote down, and then the bell rang. After all of the kids left, Victoria and I headed to the locker room together.
"Hey Victoria, do you happen to have Hunter Robinson's number?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I just think he's kind of cute, and I thought he was even cuter after English class."
"Mom and dad would never approve of him, but whatever."
"I bet I can find ways around that problem."
Victoria gave me Hunter's number, and I entered it into my phone.
I texted him, "Hey, this is Hanna from English class. I thought that it was pretty cool what you did today in class. I never would have done that."
I got a text back from Hunter real quick saying, "Thanks, but I know that you wouldn't have done it because you would have been punished badly. Trust me, I know how your mom disciplines."
"Apparently your mom does the same thing. We all heard you and my mom talking in the hallway about it."
"Yeah, my mom is really mad. She had to come down to the school to talk to the principal and your mom. She looked really ticked."
"Well, good luck. Hope your butt doesn't get too sore."
"Thanks. I'll message you later tonight."
After getting dressed in our cheer uniforms, we headed to the gym to practice one more time. Rose still wasn't here, so Victoria and I are in charge of the girls right now.

Life With A Stepmom
Teen FictionHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!