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The weekend had went by too fast for me. It was back to work for me since the summer is now over. I work at the local high school as an English teacher. I only teach juniors and seniors, so I usually don't have to deal with very much drama. My classes had all been good today, but I was exhausted by the time the bell had rang for lunch. I went into the teacher's lounge to eat leftovers from last night's dinner. I don't care for very much chatter while eating, so I went back to my classroom after my food was warmed up.

This next class was going to be my hardest one. Victoria, my daughter is going to be in it, and I don't know how I feel about being the one teaching her English. I haven't had problems separating being a mom and a teacher for Victoria, but that was because I hadn't taught Victoria yet. We've never had big issues with each other, and I don't want to have problems with her anytime soon. The bell just rang for the next class, so I headed outside the classroom. I like to greet my students at the door whenever I can. Victoria was the first one to show up to my class.

After the tardy bell rang, I walked back into the classroom to begin teaching. Since it's the first day, I always go over my syllabus and then hand out literature books to each student. I had only finished reading the first page when the classroom door opened. It appeared to be one of my students coming in late. I don't appreciate students coming in late, but I don't want to distract the class anymore. I will talk to the student after class is over. I had a few helpers hand out the literature books to each student. The class broke out into groups to read the first two chapters together. The class was nearly over, so I wrote down their homework on the board. I admit it was a big assignment, but I don't want to have them think this class is going to be easy. The girl that was tardy starts complaining to the rest of the class about the homework.

"And what is your name?"


"Well, Hanna I need you to stay after class for a little bit."

"Fine. Whatever."

Just then, the bell rang releasing every student from this classroom, except for Hanna.

She asked, "Am I in trouble?"

"Well, for one thing, I wasn't impressed that you were tardy on the first day of school, and then to make things worse, you complained about getting homework on the first day. I don't tolerate tardiness or that kind of complaining in my classroom. I am requiring you to be in detention on Saturday now. Detention is at my house Saturday. I don't know my address yet because I just moved to a different house, so you'll just need to meet here early Saturday morning and my daughter Victoria will drive you over to our house."

"I've never heard of detention being at a teacher's house."

"I didn't sign up to be in charge of detention, but I am. I'm not wasting my Saturday at the school sitting here doing nothing. You will be doing community service for me at my house and any homework that you might get this week."

"Whatever. It's not like I have a choice in this matter."

"Good, I'm glad you're complying. You may be excused."

I didn't like the way she had spoken to me, but I'm sure she'll learn quickly that it won't be tolerated while she's in my class. After she had left, I gathered my things and headed to my car. Victoria was already waiting for me in the car. We both got in the car and buckled up, and then headed for home.

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