After the bell rang I hurried out of the classroom. I headed outside to the front of the school. I didn't really want to go with Heather, but I don't have any choice. I don't really know Heather, so this is going to be kind of awkward for me. I know that she's one of Rose's friends, but that's about all I know. I think Hunter was terrified to go with Rose, he looked like a deer in the headlights. Heather was standing outside of her car in the parking lot waiting for me. She was leaning against it with her hands folded. When I got to her car, she spoke up.
"You can put your stuff in the backseat, and then get into the front seat."
I hurried and put my bags on the seat, and then got into the front.
The whole car ride was almost completely silent, until Heather spoke up.
"We'll be to my house in about five minutes. When we get there, take your shoes off and leave your bags by the front door. You're going to go down the hallway and go into the room on your right. I just want you to sit on my bed until I come in. Do you understand?"
"Yeah, I mean, yes ma'am."
When she pulled into her driveway and parked, I hurried and got out and grabbed my bags. I followed her along the sidewalk to her door. I took my shoes off and left my bags at the door. I headed down the hallway to find Heather's bedroom. Her room was quite large, and her bed was a four poster bed. I went and sat down on it. After about five minutes, Heather came walking in. She came and sat down on the bed beside me.
"I know that this is sort of uncomfortable, but your mom and I figured that this would be the best way to teach you two that what you did was wrong. Hanna, sluffing is inexcusable. What made you do it?"
"Actually, if I'm going to be completely honest, and I do want to be with you, I better tell you something first. This wasn't the first time that Hunter and I sluffed. This time just happened to be the first time that we got caught. We were forging notes to give to our teachers so that they just thought that we weren't sluffing. The only reason that Rose didn't find out about this was because we would come back to go to her class so that she didn't suspect anything."
"Well, that is a lot more information than I was expecting. I'm going to go out to the kitchen for a few minutes to calm down. Stay right here."
This could look bad for Hunter if he doesn't tell the truth. I better text him and tell him what I did.
I sent him, "Hunter you need to tell Rose the whole truth. I told your mom already, and it's not going to look too good for you if you don't."
After all of the students left, Hunter followed Victoria and I to the car. I had some explaining to do to Victoria about why Hunter was coming with us. During the last five minutes of the car ride, I explained to Hunter what I wanted him to do when we got to the house.
"Hunter, when we get to the house, I want you to take off your shoes and head straight upstairs to the room on your right. I want you to sit on my bed until I come in. Is that clear?"
Victoria spoke up, "Dude, you're an idiot. You don't just say yeah. You say yes ma'am. You better start learning some manners before my mom smacks you upside the head."
"Um, uh, sorry. Yes ma'am."
When we pulled into the driveway and got out, Hunter followed me to the front door. He hurried and took his shoes off and walked up the stairs. I went into the kitchen to think about what I was going to do. After finishing a glass of water, I headed upstairs. I walked into the girl's room to see what Victoria was doing. She was watching music videos on her laptop.
"Victoria, I want you to start working on your homework. You can watch videos once you've finished everything."
I closed her door and walked back to my bedroom. As I entered my bedroom, I closed the door behind me. Hunter was sitting on the bed facing the door as I had walked in. His eyes were laced with fear and he was fidgeting with his hands. I went over to the bed and sat down by him.
"Hunter, I know that you have been raised by a great woman. She has taught you how to behave. What on earth made you decide to sluff today and make out with Hanna?"
"I don't know."
"Hunter, I want a straight answer. Honestly think about what I asked you. If it takes some time for it to come out, that's fine."
Hunter sat there for a few minutes quietly, and then he spoke up.
"I wasn't hurting anything by sluffing. So what, I missed a few classes, but the work can be made up. It's just like having a sick day every once in a while."
All of the sudden, a noise came from Hunter's pocket.
"What's that?"
"My phone."
"Here, put it in my hand. Don't look at the notification."
Hunter handed it to me without any hesitation. I flipped it over and looked at the screen. There was a message that was just sent from Hanna. Hanna was telling Hunter that he needs to tell me the whole truth because she told Heather. I guess I'll find out what the truth is tonight, but probably not from Hunter.

Life With A Stepmom
Teen FictionHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!