Soon after Ryan and I finished talking, Rose pulled into the driveway. She shuffled the kids into the house quickly. When they entered they all sat down on a couch in the living room together. Rose followed behind them, and sat down beside me.
I spoke up, "I guess we can start now. Victoria, I know that you don't know what exactly happened yesterday, so I'm going to start there. Yesterday, Hanna and Hunter were caught by the school secretary yesterday at a diner sluffing. They were in a car together, and their hands were all over each other."
Victoria looked at Hanna like she was the dumbest person alive.
"After speaking to the principal, your mom and I decided that we were going to switch kids to punish them. Hanna came with me to my house yesterday to be punished. Before I started, Hanna confessed that this wasn't the first time that her and Hunter had done this. They had been forging notes to give to their teachers, and then showing up for their last class so that your mom didn't know what was happening. Hanna received quite the punishment yesterday from me after finding this out. When your mom brought Hunter to your house, he didn't confess what Hanna had. Instead, your mom found out about the sluffing from me when I called her last night. That is why Hunter was punished twice last night."
Victoria seemed engrossed in what I was saying. I think that she was surprised that Hanna and Hunter were stupid enough to do this.
"Now that you're caught up on what happened yesterday, I am going to go over the punishments for these two. Victoria, pay attention, because if you ever do what they did, you will experience what happened last night, and what is going to happen now."
"Yes ma'am."
"Hanna and Hunter, you are grounded until further notice. You will go to school and sports practice, and then come straight home to your bedroom. You will stay there, and you will only come out for dinner. Your phones will also be taken away until further notice. You two need to stay away from each other for a while. Give Rose your phones right now, both of you."
Hanna and Hunter pulled out their phones and stood up to give them to Rose. Rose took them and placed them in her lap.
"Now, this next part applies to both you girls. Last night, I told your mom that I had a proposition for her, and she told me that I needed to speak to your father about it. Your dad and I discussed it before you got here, and now all three of us are going to be enforcing this next thing."
Rose looked surprised that Ryan had agreed to what I had said. I could tell that she had a hint of excitement.
"It has been hard on your mom to have to be your mom and your teacher. We are going to be working on separating her job as a mom and teacher. From now on, if you get in trouble at school, I will be the one that takes care of you. If a parent has to come talk to the principal, it will be me. I will be deciding your punishment and taking care of it at my house. Your mom will punish you when you misbehave at home, but I will be taking care of everything school related. In the past, your mom has had to wait to talk to your dad before punishing you that is also going to change. As long as she talks to me first, she is allowed to punish you without having to wait for your dad to get home. I am not going to take your punishments easily, I will be just as hard as or harder than your mom has been."
Both of the girls look terrified. I think that this is exactly the fear that they need to make them behave.
"Do you girls understand?"
Both of them spoke up at the same time, "Yes ma'am."
"If you ever have any questions, you can ask me. You three kids can head into the kitchen, we adults need to talk for a few minutes."
The kids got off the couch and headed into the kitchen quickly. Ryan followed them to go make them a snack.
"How did you get Ryan to agree this? I didn't think that you would ever get him to change his mind."
"All I had to do was remind him that his parents weren't the only ones that ever punished him. I told him that it would just be like when he was at boarding school, and other people beside his parents had punished him."
"I never would have thought of that. Thank you so much Rose, this is going to be so much better. I don't think the girls are ever going to misbehave at school now. They're too afraid of you."
"I'm sure that it won't take long before one of them gets in trouble. They're teenagers, it's what they're best as. Good thing we are best at disciplining teenagers."

Life With A Stepmom
Teen FictionHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!