Rose (And Hunter's Punishment)

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After all of my students left my classroom, I headed back to the principal's office. I couldn't believe how Hunter acted up in my class, I've known him since he was little. His mom, Heather, was on her way down here after I dragged him by the ear to the office. I already talked to her on the phone, and she was very angry. Hunter is not going to get away with anything. When I got down to the office, Heather was sitting in the office.

"Hey Heather."

"Hi Rose. Too bad that we are seeing each other under these circumstances."

"I do have to tell you, Hunter was horrible. He wouldn't even come down here willingly, I had to drag him by the ear just to get him to the principal's office."

"Well, after today, you shouldn't have any problems. When I say that I'll take care of it, we both know what I mean. I don't know what has come over Hunter lately, but he's been so horrible lately."

Just then, the principal walked out of the office with Hunter. When he saw Heather, he froze in his tracks.

Heather spoke up, "Go sit in the chair right there young man, while I discuss your behavior with these two.

All three of us headed into the principal's office and sat down.

The principal spoke up, "I just finished speaking to your son, and he definitely has some consequences coming from the school. I have decided that he should be suspended for a week, and he will have Saturday detention for a month."

I spoke up, "I don't think that the suspension will be necessary. Heather will take care of his punishment, and it will be worse than any other suspension could be. Trust me, I know how Heather will deal with Hunter. As for the detentions, I think that he deserves them."

"Assuming I know what you are talking about, that will do instead of suspending him. As for his Saturday detentions, they will start this Saturday."

"Heather, Saturday detentions are at my house."

Heather spoke up, "I will make sure that he's there on Saturday. Anything else I should know?"

I spoke up, "If there is anything that you want him to do Saturday, just tell me, and we'll make it work."

"Thank you for being so understanding of this. I'm sorry that Hunter caused such a problem. He is definitely going to regret it when he comes home. Lucky for him, he has his basketball game before he comes home. That will give me time to calm down before dealing with him."

We all stood up and walked out of the office.

"Hunter, I will see you at home tonight. As soon as the games are over, you are to come straight home. Do you understand me mister?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good, now get going."

Hunter hurried off to the gym, and then the rest of us left. I headed to the gym also to make sure all of the cheerleaders are ready for the games.

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