Rose called me this morning to see if I wanted to go running with her. I left the girls at the house, and left to go meet up with Rose. They were still asleep. I left a note on the fridge telling them that I would make breakfast when I got home. Rose decided to come and eat after our run. I'll make breakfast for all of us. She has been missing them a lot lately, and I figured it would be good for all of them to see each other. When we walked into the house, Victoria was sitting at the table working on some homework. When she saw Rose, she looked very excited to see her.
Victoria got up and ran to give her a hug.
Rose said, "Maybe you should stay away more often, I've never had this kind of a welcome before."
"I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you too! Where's your sister?"
"She must be in the bedroom."
I offered to show Rose where the bedroom was. When we headed back there, we heard some strange sounds.
Rose said, "What is that sound?"
"I'm not sure, but I know what it sounds like. It sounds like someone getting punished, if you know what I mean."
She said, "I know what you mean. Let's go in and find out what it is."
"Wait," I said. "Let's just crack the door open just enough to see."
Rose grabbed the handle and peeked in. She watched for a few minutes, then closed the door.
Rose spoke up, "Hanna is spanking herself with your hairbrush."
"That's not very effective to do that to yourself. It's not hard enough."
Rose spoke again, "I'm going in."
Rose walked in not stopping until she sat down at the bed. Hanna still hadn't noticed her. Hanna jumped when Rose finally spoke up.
"You know, that's not a very effective way to punish yourself."
Hanna was stunned. "Mm, mm, Mom, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you because I missed you. I think I could say the same thing to you though. What were you just doing?"
"Um, uh, um, I was uh, spanking myself with Heather's hairbrush."
"Why were you doing that? Did you do something that Heather or I don't know about?"
"I may have."
"Hanna, I'm not mad at you right now, but I might be if I don't get straight answers from you. I want the truth, right now."
"When I went to go shower this morning, I noticed that Heather had some liquor in the medicine cabinet. I decided to drink some, and drank half the bottle. I felt guilty after I drank it, so I decided to punish myself."
"Were you planning on telling Heather about this today?"
"Heather, can you give us a few minutes."
"Sure, I'll go start on breakfast."
I hurried out of the room. This conversation was moving way too fast for me, and I didn't want to be in there when it ended.
A/N: What would you like to see in the upcoming conversation/punishment with Hanna and Rose? What would you do in this situation?

Life With A Stepmom
Roman pour AdolescentsHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!