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Just then, Victoria came downstairs to the dining room. She looked exhausted and more stressed than before she started her homework.

"Hey Ryan."

"Hey Victoria."

Dinner conversation felt like a normal family conversation. We talked about our days with each other, and our plans for the week. The wedding was eventually brought up.

"Rose, I called that event center today, and I booked our date for our wedding."

"You booked it for when we wanted it, right?"

"Yes, next Saturday."

"Thank you honey."

"Hanna, I talked to the principal today about your Saturday detentions. She said that if you keep doing great this week in school, that we can dismiss them. I know that you're supposed to go to your mom's house on Saturday, but what if you go dress shopping with Victoria and I?"

"Yes! I want to go dress shopping so badly!"

"That's settled than. Ryan, will you get the rest of the stuff ready tomorrow?"

"Yes, I'll call the catering company tomorrow. I'm picking up our rings tomorrow, and sending out our invitations."

Victoria and Hanna went upstairs to their room after we were done eating, so that they could get started on their essays. I know that Victoria hasn't even done anything on her essay, and Hanna is almost done. If they need help, they know where to find me.

The rest of the school week went by so fast. The principal was impressed with how well Hanna had done so she dropped her Saturday detentions. Hanna's mom had to work this Saturday, so it worked perfect that she came dress shopping with Victoria and I. We found the perfect dresses for all of us, then headed back home. 

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