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When we got home, Victoria went up to her room to go work on her homework. I started working on lesson plans for tomorrow. I only needed to make two lesson plans, one for each grade. After I finished working on plans, I went to the kitchen to fix dinner. Ryan will be hungry when he gets home in an hour. I bought groceries the other day for tacos, so I decided to make that for dinner. Victoria came down after she finished her homework.

"Victoria, will you set the table, please?"


"Ryan will be home any minute now."

After Victoria had finished setting the table, Ryan came through the door.

"Ryan, dinner is ready. Why don't you come in here and we'll eat."

"I'll be right there in just a minute."

Just then, Ryan came into the dining room. We were already sitting down waiting for him. Victoria said a blessing on the food, and then we ate. Ryan wanted to know all about my day. I told him I didn't have a very exciting day, but he still wanted to listen, so I began telling him about my first day.

"Most of my classes went great today. I ate lunch by myself in my classroom because the teacher's lounge was too noisy for me. Victoria is actually in my last class. This is her first year she gets to be in my class. I did have one student today that I gave detention to. She was over five minutes late to my class. That didn't bother me as much as what else she did. After I told the students what their homework was, she started complaining. For each offense that a student has, they are required to have detention. I'm going to have to talk to the principal tomorrow because it might be more for someone when they get two offenses in the same class time."

"That sounds like an interesting day to me. I was thinking that maybe we should do something this weekend on Saturday when I get off work."

"That would be fun, but I forgot to mention that I am in charge of detention for this semester. I told the principal I would only do it if I got to do it from home though. That way, I don't just have to sit in a classroom all day, and the community service that they have to do will be done here."

"Maybe next weekend we can do something then."

"Victoria, that reminds me. I need you to pick up that girl Saturday morning from the school and bring her here."

"Okay. What time do I need to pick her up?"

"Seven in the morning."

"That's too early."

"I'll let you sleep in on Sunday. How about that for a fair deal?"


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