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"Hanna, can you stay for just a minute?"

"Just a minute, I can't be late for the bus."

"There were some rules about detention that weren't brought to my attention until yesterday at a staff meeting and some guidelines for being tardy that are new this year. I'm afraid that besides detention at my house Saturday, there is more punishment that is required because of new school rules, and other things."

"Come on, it can't be that bad."

"I just wanted to give you some fair warning before Saturday so you don't think you're off the hook after detention. You don't have very much time before the bus goes, so we will discuss the new rules when you come to my house Saturday. You're dismissed. Don't miss your bus."

I'm sure she wasn't going to like the new changes that the school had made to their policies, but she was just going to have to deal with them. I wish that I had more time to understand where this girl is coming from, so I knew how to handle the situation better. I can't choose when someone decides to bend and break rules, but I would have liked to get to know the girl before I ended up on her target list or something.

Victoria was waiting for me at the car again. When we got home, Victoria and I started doing some cleaning around the house. Ryan's daughter will be here over the weekend, so I wanted it to be clean when she got here. We put all of the clothes that I had bought for Hanna upstairs in the closet. I hope that she will like what I picked out for her. Ryan said that he was going to pick up some dinner on the way home, so I went back downstairs to start getting some lesson plans ready for tomorrow. Victoria stayed upstairs to work on her homework.

When Ryan came home, he told me that Hanna wasn't going to be coming over for the weekend. He wouldn't tell me why, but he seemed kind of agitated. I didn't want to bother him about it, so we left it at that. 

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