I was having a hard time focusing in class today. All that I am thinking about is the conversation with Rose and dad last night. I've never really been disciplined when I've done something bad, let alone get spanked. I couldn't believe that my dad was fine with it. After they had left our room, Victoria told me that I should try my hardest to not ever be in trouble because it hurts when her mom spanks.
My teacher spoke up, "Hanna, are you paying attention?"
"Hmm? Oh, yes I am paying attention."
For lunch, all of us cheerleaders ate together in the cafeteria. We are all excited because we have practice today after school. We have a game that we are going to be performing at in a few days, so we need a little more practice if it's going to look good. After lunch, Victoria and I headed to our last class of the day. We read a few chapters in our literature books the entire class hour. After the bell rang, Victoria and I headed to the locker room to get ready for practice. Victoria was talking to me about a party that was going on tonight.
"It's going to be at one of the football player's house. Basically the whole school is going to be there. I think we should go to it tonight."
"Right. How would we get our parents to agree to let us go to a party at a boy's house?"
"Who said anything about them knowing? We'll just sneak out tonight after they're asleep, and climb out our window."
"I don't know about this Victoria, I do not want to get caught by mom."
"We're never going to get caught. Even if we do, I'll take the blame since I'm the one that it talking you into coming.
"Okay, fine. I'll go, but we better hurry and get to practice before mom is wondering where we are."
Practice lasted for two hours, and then we headed home. Rose started talking to us while we were in the car.
"Do you girls have homework to do tonight?"
I spoke up, "Just a little bit. We didn't get very much today."
"Okay, just make sure you do it when we get home, then you can do whatever you want."
Victoria spoke up, "We're both pretty tired, and so I think we are going to go to bed after we finish our homework."
"That's fine with me, I think that I'm going to go to sleep soon too. Teaching my classes was exhausting today."
When we pulled up to the house, Victoria and I headed to our room to work on our homework. We really didn't have very much, so it only took us a few hours to do. When we finished, we went into mom and dad's room. They were both getting ready for bed. We told them goodnight, and then we went to our room. The party was going to be starting in twenty minutes, so we were getting ready to leave. Once we climbed out of the window and down the side of the house, we walked over to the road. Victoria already made plans with someone to have them pick us up. I'm still nervous about going to this party, but I've already snuck out of the house, so I might as well enjoy it.
All of the popular kids were here, and it was getting pretty rowdy. I was staying over by the food and drinks. There was a red punch over there that I started drinking. After drinking a few cups of it, I realized it must be spiked because I was starting to feel differently. Victoria looks like she's drunk too. She's making out with some random guy in a corner. A few hours later, we were still at the party, but both of us were overly drunk. We couldn't even think clearly. I checked my phone to see what time it was. It's 3:30 in the morning. We need to go home before mom and dad find out about this.
"Victoria, we need to get going. If we don't mom and dad are going to find out."
"Okay, let's go then."
"Where's the guy that brought us here?"
"He already left, we'll just have to walk back to the house."
"It's going to take us a few hours to walk home. We'll never make it before mom and dad wake up. We are going to be in so much trouble."

Life With A Stepmom
Teen FictionHanna's parents recently divorced. Her father is already engaged to someone, but Hanna doesn't know anything about it... yet. She will soon though!