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"Hanna, guess what?"

"What, did we make it?"

"We did better than make it! We're going to be co-captains together! Let's go tell my mom!"

We ran as fast as we could back to the classroom.

"Mom! Mom! We made it! We're going to be co-captains together!"

"I know, I'm so proud of you girls. You really tried your hardest as tryouts and this proves that!"

"Have you graded our tests yet Rose?"

"I just graded both of yours."

"Well, what did we get mom?"

"Out of one hundred points, Hanna got ninety-seven and you got seventy. I have to say Victoria, I'm really disappointed in your score. Seventy is almost a D, which is unacceptable in our family. Hanna, I have to say, I'm surprised at your score, you did exceptional. Your studying and hard work is paying off."

I beat Victoria, and not even by just a few points, I beat her by twenty-seven points. I could tell that Rose was mad, like Victoria should be worried about what's going to happen when she gets home. It was going to be a long night at home for Victoria especially because there's no cheer practice today after school. Rose put the rest of the tests in her bag and we left to go home. Our car ride was silent the whole way home, but I could feel the level of anger rising by the second. It started terrifying me, and I wasn't even the one that got a bad grade. Dad was home when we pulled in. When we got inside, Rose told Victoria to go up to her room and do her homework. Rose motioned for me to come into the family room where her and my dad were sitting.

"The girls had a test in my glass today worth one hundred points. Victoria got a seventy on it, and Hanna got a ninety-seven."

"Nice job Hanna! I'm proud of you! You're already excelling and Rose has only been helping you a couple of days. What are you going to do with Victoria, Rose?"

"I haven't really decided yet. We can discuss that more together when in private. Hanna you did really well today, so why don't you just go do your homework and you'll be done for the night."

"Okay, I'm going to go do my homework in my room."

When I was heading upstairs, I could hear dad and Rose talking more, so I sat on the steps to listen.

"What do you think happened with Victoria?"

"I don't know. Maybe I focused all of my concentration on Hanna and not enough on Victoria."

"You concentrating on her shouldn't be why she gets good grades. This was all her fault. Look at Hanna, you did more than concentrate on her, you showed her that you cared. I think this was Victoria slacking."

"I was really surprised at how well Hanna did! I think I am going to ease up on her consequences from detention if she keeps it up."

Dad and Rose kept on talking, but I figured I better go work on my homework so I keep getting good grades. I finished my homework right before mom came to pick me up. Dad must have been pretty excited about my test because he told her about it before I even had the chance too. I said my goodbyes and left with mom. Our car ride was filled with only good things.

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