Part III-Daily self-care : Hydratation 1

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Staying hydrated has countless benefits, such as feeling more energised , gaining clarity , flushing out the toxins of our bodies for instance ; and participates to a better life . However, so many of us know that ,but we are not applying this habit .

First , we have to make sure that we have all the necessary equipments to  do so and it might seem a bit weird but keeping a water bottle around or a glass at your disposal  is really key to build this habit .

Then it has to become automatic ,like drinking a glass of water in the morning and in the evening and caring a bottle of water with us all day .

The thing is sometimes , we feel like water is a bit boring and we want a little twist and the solution here is infused water . Indeed, it is not only enabling you to receive all the nutrients and minerals: the fruits or plants contains but it also gives you this amazing taste !

You can try a different recipe each day and water will no longer be boring .You can also try to drink bubbly water like twice a day to switch things up !

Besides, let us be grateful for this wonderful resources that is water ; as so many people on this earth still not have access to it on a daily basis.Some people can't boast to have the luxury,we have and underestimate, to have  clear,drinkable,tap water at their fingertips !

So there are no excuses and water must now become your best friend !

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