Daily self- care fulfillment Part 11

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Something we don't realize is that true joy is everywhere and we have to make time for it. Personally doing something that fulfills me daily is key. In addition, it doesn't have to be complicated, it can simply be cooking and taking the time to cook a healthy meal, walking to go to work or Uni, or even listening to a self-help book in the car or podcast in the bus. These fulfilling activities bring us joy daily and keep us put together. It enables us to evacuate the daily stresses and to fill our day with peace and joy and for me writing, singing, cooking, and blogging daily really puts sparkles in my eye. 

So find your magical activity and do it daily! Besides, you can be with the right crowd and laugh and have a good time, being yourself, which will undoubtedly add up to the fulfillment list! Take good care of yourself and do what you love with people that treat you well and love you for who you are! Being in the present moment also brings fulfillment and alleviates all tensions as you realize that you create your own reality.

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