First Sign

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Lucy's POV

I open my eyes to the semi bright light of my windows. I sit up but find a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist.

I look over at Natsu, still half asleep. His spiky pink hair was a mess as I ran my hand gently through it. His bare chest rose and fell evenly with every breath.

"Natsu." I shake him gently. He continues to snore.

"Natsu!!" I yell, making him snap his eyes open.

"Did something happen? Where am I?" He looks around frantically before his eyes fall back in me.

"Oh, hey Luce." He grins.


"Can you let go of me so I can get up?" I ask him.

"Hm? Oh!" He releases his grip on me.

"Hey what's for breakfast?!" He called out as I went into the bathroom.

I shook my head laughing a little. He was going to get up in a minute and open the fridge and find the food I made last night.

I took a shower and changed and then stepped out. Natsu had already eaten and was sitting Indian style on the floor. Happy was flying around too.

"Hi Happy." I greet the exceed.

"Hi Lucy!" He lands on the table, a half eaten fish in his hand.

The sight of the fish suddenly makes me sick, so I hurry to the bathroom before I puke my guts up.

Natsu runs over to me. "Oi, Lucy are you okay?" Worry covers his face.

I nod. "Y-yeah." I manage to get out, but not without my voice wavering.

"We should have Wendy take a look at you. Make sure you're okay." He helped me up.

"Happy!" The blue cat flew over.

"Take Lucy to the guild." He tells him.

"Aye sir!" Happy puts the fish in his mouth and carries me off to the guild.

~*~At the Guildhall~*~

Wendy finishes looking me over.

"You seem fine Lucy." The bluenette informs me.

"Maybe I ate something..." I say mainly to myself.

"Or it could be something else." She gives me a little wink before dashing out with Carla, and Happy in tow.

Natsu pokes his head in the room after Wendy leaves. "So everything's okay?" He questioned.

"Yup!" I grin and give him a thumbs up.

He smiles right back at me.

~*~ TIMESKIP: Two days- during mission ~*~

"Ice make: Hammer!" Gray yells smashing the giant ice hammer on our current enemy, a small group of strange creatures that where the result of awry genetics testing.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" Natsu let's out a giant breath of fire wiping out two of the monsters.

"Open gate of the Archer: Sagittarius!" I open his gate.

"How may I be of service Miss Lucy?" He looks to me.

"We need to take those monsters down!" I point at the enemy.

"Yes Miss Lucy!" He begins shooting them with his arrows.

Gray and Natsu continue to take out the last of the monsters with Sagittarius's help. After an hour they finally took out the last one. I closed Sagittarius's gate and collapsed to my knee's totally exhausted.

"Yo, Luce are you okay?" Gray asks hurrying over to me.

I nod. Natsu follows after Gray and crouches down in front of me. He squints his eyes.

"I think you're sick Luce. First you got sick, now you are super worn out after an easy battle..." His brow furrows.

I push myself back to my feet.

"I'm fine, really!" I smile for them and then start to head back to the town to get on the train.

All I wanted to was to go home and sleep, and I kept thinking about what Wendy said.

"...Or it could be something else."

Ready or Not? | NaLu book 2 of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now