Lucy Makes A Choice

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Lucy's POV

I felt a warm sensation on my forehead as I slept, and it caused me to wake up. My eyes met a pair of oynx ones, and I smiled.

Natsu was leaned over me, but he sat back as I pushed myself up. I stretched and yawned.

Natsu and I ate breakfast and he packed before rushing out the door saying something about needing to do something before we headed out to Hargeon.

I sighed, resting my head on my hand. Then I jumped up, grabbed a pen and paper, and started writing a note to Natsu.

"Dear Natsu, I know I should have said so sooner..."

I completed the note and tucked it in his bag.

Suddenly the door burst open and Natsu yelled, "I'm back!"

I yelped in surprise and whacked him across the head, "Baka! Don't be so loud!"

"Yeah, yeah! Sorry Luce..." He grabbed his bag and then looked at me. Happy flew in after him, a huge grin plastered on his feline face.

"Ready?" I looked at Natsu to see his face etched with determination.

"Hell yeah!" He finally grinned.

I smiled with him as we all left the apartment.

~*~ TIMESKIP: At Hargeon port ~*~

Most of our friends had come to see Natsu off, so I stood with Levy as Master went over the final details with Natsu.

Happy was flying in circles above, and giggling to himself. Gray had a smirk on his face as he watched Natsu.

Suddenly my arm was pulled and I found Natsu pulling me from the group.

"Natsu? Why...?" I didn't finish my question because Natsu suddenly kneeled on the ground.

My cheeks grew pink and I covered my mouth with one hand, wondering if what I thought was happening was true.

"Lucy Heartfillia, will you marry me?" Natsu barely got the question before I enveloped him in a hug, tears rushing down my face.

"Yes, yes Natsu of course I will," I said whilst hugging him.

When I pulled back from the hug he slipped a silver ring over my finger. Then he kissed me, and it felt like the kiss lasted for an eternity. It was deep and passionate, and it was addicting.

When we pulled away our guild mates clapped and cheered. The boys pounded Natsu on the back and the girls squealed and looked at the ring on my finger.

"You proposed like a man!" Elfman pronounced to Natsu who grinned.

"Brats! I hate to break up the party, but it's time for Natsu and Happy to set out on their mission," Master yelled.

"Happy? I thought he had to go alone... Well, I guess he needs Happy to travel around the island."

Happy landed beside me. "I'll miss you Lucy," he said with years welling up in his eyes. I got down and picked him up and hugged him.

"I'll miss you too, Happy," I whispered. He headed towards the boat with tears running down his face.

I stood back up and looked at Natsu. His face was all seriousness again. He have my a quick hug and then started heading for the boat, when I ran after him and hugged him from behind.

"Natsu, I love you," I whispered into his warm back.

He turned back toward me and kissed my forehead before saying, "I love you too Luce, always have,"

He boarded the boat and was already turning green as it pulled away.

I looked back at Wendy, and when our eyes met she nodded.

"It's time."

We left together from the port after I stayed and talked with the girls.

"So, do you really think it's possible?" I asked Wendy.

"Yes, but I want Grandine to check again. I don't want to raise false hopes or cause problems," Wendy explained.

I nodded.

We reached Grandine's and Wendy gently knocked on the door. When Grandine opened it she explained what was going on.

Grandine agreed to look me over. After an hour of tests and waiting, Grandine stood and said, "I have the results."

Wendy and I looked at her anxiously.

She looked me dead in the eye.

"Lucy, you are pregnant," she confirmed.

I looked over at Wendy, our wide eyes meeting.

"I'm really pregnant?" I ask Grandine.

"Yes, but I can't determine the gender or if there are more than one just yet," she nodded.

"Arrigatou..." I thanked her quickly and Wendy and I headed back to the guild.

When we got there, Wendy got all the girls together around the bar.

"Minna, I have something to tell you all," I say before taking a deep breath.

"I-I'm pregnant," I tell them.

Their faces were covered with shock. Then they all squealed or grinned.

"Lu-chan! A marriage proposal and a baby in the same day!" Levy had her hands on her cheeks.

"So Natsu and Lucy were keeping busy," Mirajane laughed and winked at me making me blush.

"Juvia is happy for Love Rival! Now Juvia has Gray-sama to herself!" Juvia had hearts in her eyes, daydreaming about Gray.

"Are you ready to deal with this alone Lucy?" Erza brought up the big question.

"Well I won't be completely alone. I'll have you guys here!" I have them a reassuring smile.

"Well since Natsu is gone, who will walk you home?" Erza pondered.

"I can walk by myself-," I began to say but Erza shakes her head.

"You are a pregnant woman now, and someone should walk you home," Erza stated.

"I'm only a few weeks along..." I sweat dropped.

"We will all take turns! Seem fair enough?" Erza looked around and everyone nodded.

"I guess I'll have to let you guys walk me," I laughed.

"Speaking of, I'm going to head home. Who wants to walk with me today?" I look at the group.

"I will," Levy volunteered.

And with that we headed to my apartment.

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