The Final Countdown

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Lucy's POV

I looked at the calendar. I had two weeks. Happy flew into the room with me.

"Hi Lucyyyyyy~" he greeted me.


"I always have fish Lucy," he tells me.

"It's gross Happy!" I cover my mouth and nose.

"But I love fish..." Happy has tears in his eyes.

The smell hits me like a ton of bricks and I run to the bathroom to puke. I heard Happy talking to Natsu, or more like crying.

"Natsu! I made Lucy throw up!" He cried.

"What?" Natsu asked confused.

"Well I had fish and she yelled at me and then she ran away and got sick!" He wailed.

"It's okay little buddy, she knows you didn't mean it," and then I hear Natsu coming towards the bathroom.

"Are you okay Luce?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "Natsu I'm sick and don't feel well! AND WHY AM I STILL SMELLING THAT DANG FISH HAPPY!" I yell.

"Sorry Lucy~!" Happy called as he left, his fish dangling from his mouth.

Natsu lifted me up from where I was leaned over the toilet.

"Ugghhh," I groaned in pain.

"Natsu... My head hurts," I cry.

"Sheesh Luce," Natsu sweatdrops, "Your mood swings are crazy right now,"

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" I snap, an anger mark visible.

"Oi, oi, calm down okay Lucy?" He soothes me,

I start crying into his chest,"I'm such a bad person! I yelled at Happy for having a fish! He loves fish!"

Natsu sighs. "Come on Lucy, why don't you go lay on the couch?" He leads me that direction.

I nod, sniffling and make my way there. I sit back on the couch and Natsu prepares to go to the Guildhall.

As I watch him begin to leave an urgent sense of need washes over me.

"Natsu!" I suddenly call, pushing myself up from the couch. He stops and looks back at me, and sees me standing. He rushes back over to me.

"Luce, you have to be careful not to hurt yourself!" He chides me.

"Please stay here," I beg him.

"Huh?" He looks at me confused.

"Please stay here with me," I repeat.

He sighs, "well, I guess I can stay home with you today," he agrees.

"Thank you!" I kiss him.

That entire day goes by quickly, and I fall asleep before dinner. Natsu lets me sleep on the bed because he doesn't want to move me.

Suddenly a small pain along with a wet sensation running down my leg makes me shoot up, wide awake.

"Natsu," I call him in a slightly scared tone.

"What Lucy?" Natsu looks over at me, and upon seeing my wide eyes he furrows his brow.

"What's wrong?" He gets up.

"MywaterjustbrokeandIthinkthebabyiscoming," I rush.

"Wait, wait slow down. Say that again?" He asks.

I take a deep breath,"My water just broke, I think the baby is coming,"

Natsu scooped me up and he whistled for Happy, who managed to carry us to Grandine's.

"Grandine!" Natsu called for her.

She stepped out and without needed words knew exactly what was happening.

"It's time Lucy," she said as she went to work.

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