Special Delivery!

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Lucy's POV

As pain washed over my body I winced and whimpered slightly. Grandine was hurriedly preparing with Wendy by her side. Natsu was pacing nearby, but I couldn't see him that well.

"Ah-!" I cried out in surprise as the pain came sooner and more excruciating than before.

"Lucy, just breathe," Wendy soothed me.

I only nodded my head in response. I closed my eyes and cried out again as the next one hit me harder than the last.

"Lucy, I need you to push okay?" Grandine finally said after what felt like an eternity.

I nodded and did as I was told. I grasped Wendy's hand, and I worried I was crushing it.

"Waaaaaaaa~!" I heard the loud cries of a baby fill the room and I took a deep breath of air.

Wendy rushed over to help Grandine. I closed my eyes and just cried from happiness. Then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and Wendy was there, holding a blanket wrapped baby.

"Here is your daughter Lucy," she grinned.

I sat up and took her in my arms as Wendy went to get Natsu. I pushed the blanket back from her face and kissed her forehead.

"You look like a Nashi to me," I say softly to her.

"Lucy, you-" I heard Natsu stop talking as I assume he caught sight of Nashi. I looked over at him, not caring how I looked.

"Natsu, come meet little Nashi," I smile.

He comes over and stares at her.

"That's her?" He asks.

"Sure is. Isn't she the cutest?" I poke her nose.

"And she will be the toughest too, tough enough to kick Gray's kids asses," he adds.

I sweatdrop before holding her up to him to hold.

"Are you sure you want to hand him the baby?" Grandine asks.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" He glared at her.

"She's delicate, and we all know how you can be with delicacy," Grandine replies.

He scoops up Nashi and holds her triumphantly.

"See! I can hold my own daughter just fine," he grumbles.

I giggle at the sight of Natsu holding little Nashi.

After Grandine takes Nashi to do some basic health checkups I fall asleep.


After waking back up I find that I'm back home. I sit up slowly, careful not to hurt myself.

"Natsu?" I call softly.

Natsu pokes his head in the door.

"Hey luce," he grins, "your awake,"

"Yeah. Where's Nashi?" I ask.

"Right here," he pulls the rest of his body to be standing in the doorway and in his arms rests little Nashi. She was sound asleep, and had apparently been that way since she got home.

A year passed relatively calm, or as calm as life can be with a newborn.

Natsu and I got married a few months after Nashi was born. It was a beautiful ceremony. Levy and Mirajane went all out. It was under the giant tree in the park and everyone from the guild and our friends where there.

Now, one whole year later we celebrate Nashi's first birthday. And I can't help but feel a little morning sickness...

And the knowing looks I got from Grandine and Wendy only confirmed things. Nashi wasn't going to be an only child much longer.

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