Lucy's alone

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Lucy's POV

After Levy left me at the apartment, I looked around and finally realized, "I don't have enough space.."

So I began searching for a bigger place, a home preferably. I found a few places that were the right size, but cost too much. Then I found one I could save up for if I went on some missions.

When I stopped looking and realized how quiet it was, an immense ache for Natsu and Happy came over me.

"This is going to be a long wait..."

I sighed and dove under my covers where I felt a soft lump. I grasped it and pulled it from beneath the covers. In my hands was Natsu's muffler. I sobbed softly at the sight of it and held it close to me.

"Oh Natsu..." I whispered.

I fell asleep holding it close to me.

Natsu's POV

When the ship reached the island I leapt over the side. After a couple of seconds on land I was already back in good shape.

"Yosh! Let's get our camp set up Happy!" I called out to him.

"Aye sir!" He flew around looking for a good place for our camp.

"Natsu! I found a spot!" He yelled.

I followed him to a good clearing and began setting up camp.

"Hey, Natsu?" Happy's voice was soft.

"Yeah little buddy?" I looked up at him.

"I found a note to you, it's from Lucy," he held up the paper.

I unfolded it and sat down to read.

"Dear Natsu, I know I should have said so sooner, but Wendy suspects that I'm pregnant. After you leave today we are going to find out if she is right. I didn't want to tell you before you left because I didn't want you to give your mission to someone else. I know you have always wanted an important mission like this one, and I couldn't bear the thought of being the cause of taking it from you. I love you Natsu, and be careful!

Love, Lucy Heartfillia"

I stared wide eyed at the note.

"Luce..." I whispered.

Happy stood in front of me.

"What should we do Natsu?" He had a worried look.

"We have to go back. I'll ask Gramps if we can put off the mission. And if he can't then he will give it to someone else," I decide.

"Aye! But the ship won't be back for another week with supplies," Happy pointed out.

"Then we will have to wait for a week. I can't leave Lucy alone, not at a time like this," my face grew determined.

Lucy's POV

I held a hand to my tear stained face. I had a horrible nightmare, and I woke up alone. I sighed and got up, and after brushing my hair and teeth, I changed and went to the guild.

I was surprised to see so many people out on missions. Even Levy and Cana were gone. Mira sat quietly at the bar reading a magazine when I walked up to her.

"Ohayō Mira," I greeted her. She looked up at me and smiled.

"How are you this morning Lucy?" She asks.

I shrug. I sat down wearily at the bar and sighed.

"Is him being gone making that much of an impact?" Mira looked closely at my face.

"Yes," I groan.

"Don't worry Lucy, he will be back before you know it! And you can get ready for the baby while he is gone," she added.

I smiled. "You're right Mira! I should start preparing..." I get down from the stool and start to leave.

"Thank you Mira!" I call out to her.

"Just tell me if you need anything!" She waved at me before returning to her magazine with a huge smile plastered across her face.

I set out to begin my preparations.

"Natsu, you're in for a big surprise when you get back."

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