A Talk with Wendy

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Lucy's POV

I watched and Gray and Juvia passed by, Juvia clinging to Gray's arm like she could be blown away any minute. He was smiling and looking down at the ground as they walked. I heard their muffled voices and laughs as they passed me on my way into the guild.

I got inside and first greeted Mira. "Hey Mira! Where's Wendy?" I ask her after waving.

"She's in the infirmary helping Elfman, why?" Mira asked with a curious look in her eyes.

"I just need to talk to her, it's nothing important." I smile and then head to the infirmary in search of the bluenette.

I reach the infirmary and peek inside. Elfman is walking out as I peek in. He starts to speak but sees Evergreen and heads right her way. I look back to Wendy.

"Hi Wendy!" I smile and step in the infirmary and close the door.

"Hi Lucy. Do you need something?" She questioned.

"Um, I have a question. About what you said yesterday, what did you mean by it?" I looked at her nervously.

She stood up and walked over to me. "Well I can't be sure but..."

Natsu's POV

I headed into the Guildhall with Happy beside me. My arms where behind my head as I entered the doors.

"Man I'm starved! All that running made me hungry!" I hurry over to the bar where Mira has fire chicken ready for me.

"Long day?" She asks as I devour the food.

"Yeah, I caught some loose criminals." I tell her as I eat.

"Natsu kicked their butts!" Happy cheered as he held his most recent fish.

"Ah, it was nothin'." I shrug it off.

"Either way, you got the job done." Mirajane says from where she was preparing beer for Cana, who was drinking at the other end of the bar.

I finished my chicken and sighed.

"Carla! Want some of my fish?" Happy called out taking off to the white exceed who was leaving the infirmary with Wendy and Lucy.

"Yo, Luce!" I called out to her.

Her head snapped my direction. Something flickered across her face before her usual smile returned.

She said something to Wendy and made her way over to me.

"Hi Natsu. Where'd you go today?" She looked at me as she sat on the stool beside me.

"Just chased some loose criminals through the city. Nothin' much." I shrug as Mirajane places another plate before me.

She rested her face on her fists and closed her eyes.

"You tired or something Lucy?" I ask her leaning closer to her.

She opened her eyes and blushed slightly when she caught sight of me.

"No, no not really." She shook her head and flashed me a smile.

I finished my food and yelled for Happy,

"Yo, little buddy! Let's go!"

He looked at me pleadingly from where he was beside Carla. I have him a thumbs up and then got down from my stool.

Lucy got down and followed me out of the guild. She looped her arm around mine and leaned her head on my shoulder as we walked. I eventually just picked her up.

"H-hey!" She squeaked in surprise when I lifted her suddenly. "I can walk Natsu..." She mutters.

"You look tired. Just let me carry you." I say determined.

"Hm, okay... Just for tonight." She sighed and leaned her head against my chest. I saw her eyes close as I walked and I smiled to myself.

I got to the apartment and laid her out on the bed. I put a light blanket over her and then head into the bathroom to take a shower.

Lucy's POV

I woke up and heard water running. "Hm?" I rubbed my eyes as I adjusted to my surroundings. I realized where I was and then got off the bed. I took off my shoes and quickly changed into a tee shirt and pair of pink shorts.

Suddenly a pair of arms surrounded me. "You doing okay Lucy?" I heard Natsu's worried voice.

"Yeah!" I reassure him. "I'm just ready to go to bed." I say and then hurry onto the bed and lay down facing the window.

Natsu turns out the light and gets in beside me and puts and arm over me right before he starts to snore.

Ready or Not? | NaLu book 2 of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now