A Mission For Natsu!

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Lucy's POV

I woke up late the next day, and I was so late even Natsu was already up.

He grinned when he saw me. "Mornin' sleepy head!"

I yawned and stretched my arms after sitting up. "Gomen-" I start to apologize but Natsu shakes his head.

"You hardly get enough sleep. Besides sleep is something someone who is sick needs," he shrugs.

"I'm not sick!" I protest for what felt like the millionth time.

Natsu quietly walks over to me. He stares intensely at me for a long time, and the silence was weirding me out.

"Natsu..." I try to speak but words won't form.

He grabs my face with both of his hands and kisses me suddenly. The surprise makes me blush intensely.

When he pulls away from me he smirks at my reaction. "You are so cute Luce, you know that?" He whispers.

I get up and kiss him gently on the cheek and hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close for awhile, and I stayed there feeling warm and safe.

~*~ At the guildhall ~*~

Normal POV

The guild was loud as usual, as Natsu and Lucy entered through the doors. Natsu spotted Gray and took off to fight with him, while Happy soared above laughing.

Lucy sat at a table with Levy and Erza, who was eating her strawberry cake before heading on a mission. But few people noticed when Mirajane said something in a whisper to Natsu, and then watched as he disappeared into Master's office.

Natsu's POV

"Natsu." Mokarov nodded to the open door.

I shut it and then folded my arms over my chest.

"So what do you need Gramps?" I ask him.

"I have a special mission for you," Gramps stands and folds his arms behind him.

"A special... Mission?" I repeat in a question.

"Yes. It's a mission only you can complete," Gramps nods his head.

"Alright! What is it?" I start getting excited.

"You have to go back to Tenrou island and sniff out anything left behind by Zereff or Acnologia," Gramps looks me dead in the eye.

"But why are you only sending me Gramps?" I ask confused.

"Because it's something you need to do alone. Their scents would already be weak, but taking other people could cover them up completely," Gramps informs me.

I close my eyes and nod my head, "I'll do it! So how long will it take?"

"As long as it takes you to scour the island," Gramps goes behind his desk.

"Okay Gramps, I'll get this job done in no time!" I slam my fist into my open palm.

"You set out in two days Natsu!" Gramps calls out as I leave. I had a huge grin covering my face as I left Mokarov's office.

Lucy's POV

I spotted Natsu leaving Master's office. I headed over to him and when I reached him he leaned down and kissed me.

"Hey Lucy, can we talk outside for a minute?" He asks me.

"Yeah, sure," I nod and he pulls me outside.

"Lucy, Gramps gave me a solo mission. And it could take a while..." He rubs the back if his head.

"How long?" I try to keep the panic from my voice.

"As long as it takes me to go over the entire Tenrou Island," he shrugs.

"Ehhh?! But Tenrou island-!" I start to protest but Natsu grins.

"It won't take me too long Luce! I have two days until I have to leave, so let's just enjoy them together," he smiles.

"Okay Natsu..." I sigh.

~*~ TIMESKIP: that evening ~*~

Natsu's POV

Lucy was sleeping as I quietly left the apartment. I headed over to Gray's. I hated it, but I needed to ask the Ice Princess a question. I reach his house and bang on the door.

He opens it and a look of surprise crosses his face. "Flame Brain?"

"I need to talk to you," I say flatly.

"Yeah come in, just don't break anything," Gray crosses his arms. "So what's up?" He asks.

"I'm thinking about asking Lucy to marry me," I tell him.

"Wait, what?!" He shouts.

"Yeah, before I leave to go on a long solo mission for Gramps I wanna propose!" I repeat.

"Natsu.." Gray stares at me.

"I really love her, and I can't just leave her here without a good solid promise that she knows I have to return to keep," the idea spills from my head.

"Then do it. I say you should do it Flame Brain," Gray nods.

"Though I'm surprised a dense idiot like you could have an idea like that," Gray looked my way smirking.

"What, so now you think I can't come up with my own ideas Ice Stripper?!" I glare at him.

"What did you call me Fire Breath?!" He glares back.

*anger mark*

"When I get back, I'm beatin' you to a pulp," I grin.

"Only if I don't beat you first," he smiles back.

Then I leave and head back to the apartment where my girlfriend was waiting.

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