The whole Dragneel family

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~*~ TIMESKIP: 18 years ~*~

Nashi's POV

"Mom!" I heard Kara whining from most likely her room.

"Lucille and Luke are in my room again!" She yelled.

I could picture mom sighing and making her way upstairs to our rooms. Then I saw her pass my room where I was getting ready to go down to the guild with Nate and Kara.

I pulled my long pink hair back into a low ponytail. I checked my white tank top, purple skirt and vest before crossing the hall to Nate's room.

I opened the door to see my brother, an almost identical version of my dad at his age, lounging on the bed. He even wore the same style of clothes. His guild mark was the same color and in the same location on the opposite arm.

"Nate, let's go," I call my dragon slayer brother. Dad had taught him the same techniques grandpa Igneel taught him. My brother was a tough opponent, but I could fight him well with my own fire magic.

Kara passes by me in her ruffled blue tank top that cut off above her stomach revealing her purple guild mark. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into adorable pig tails. Mom passed me then with Luke and Lucille not far behind her.

Lucille was an identical copy of mom, while Luke looked like dad with mom's color of hair. They then took off past mom downstairs and outside to play. They where best friends and worst enemy's. Their relationship reminded me of the one between myself and Nate.

At that thought I turn to face my brother who was waking up Michaela, his purple exceed. Everyone called her Mkat though, just because it was a cute nickname for her.

"Let's go, I'm ready to fight Jay," Nate grinned. I rolled my eyes and we followed Kara downstairs.

"Dad! We are headed to the guild!" I yell.

"He's at the guild already," mom said coming down the stairs.

"I guess he would be, but we should hurry before him and uncle Gray go at it again," I push the door open as I visibly see mom sweatdrop.

"Just be careful Nashi!" She calls.

"I will, and I'll keep watch over these two!" I add.

"Like I need you to watch me," Nate grumbles.

"Oh shut it," I sigh.

"Let's just go to the guild!" Kara cheered

"I agree, I just hope something happens for once," I laugh.

"Knowing our guildmates, something will definitely happen!" Nate laughs with me.

We continue on our way to the guildhall, excited to find out what would happen today.

The End

For now...


So guys! This is the end TT.TT

But! I have a new books if you wanna see more NaLu.

Thank you SO MUCH for reading! I love you~! Bye ^.^

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