Almost There

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Lucy's POV

It had been three weeks since I was temporarily kidnapped. I was now confined to the house and guildhall since Natsu and the others didn't want me getting hurt on missions. I leaned on the bar staring at my strawberry shake. I had given the job of planning my wedding to Mirajane and Levy since they seemed intent to plan it for me. They had it planned for summer, and they had the colors picked. Mirajane was going over venues behind the bar. Mirajane looked at me from behind the counter. "I can't believe it's been almost four months," I sigh.

"Well I can't wait to meet the little version of you and Natsu," Mira giggled.

I smiled with her. "Yeah I, pretty excited to meet him or her soon too,"

"When will you find out the gender?" Mira asks.

"I wanted a surprise, so we won't know till the little one is born," I tell her.

"Well they are certainly growing fast," Mira motions towards my stomach, which now had the appearance of a pillow laid over my stomach under the shirt. I nod in agreement with her.

"It's slowly becoming harder and harder to move around, so now I'm banned from missions until further notice," I glance at Master's office.

"Well we want the baby and yourself to stay safe," Mirajane comments as the doors burst open and the teams begin to return. I catch sight of Erza and know they all made it back by the smile on her face. Gray following in suit with Juvia clinging to his arm, smiling ear to ear. And finally, Natsu came in having a conversation with Happy who was for some reason sitting on Natsu's head. I got up from the bar after handing Mirajane my empty glass. I head over to where Natsu adm the others where. "Hi minna," I greet them.

"Hi Lucy," they chimed in response. Natsu and Happy where in the middle of a heated argument about what kinds of fish tasted better. I sweat dropped after I called their names and getting no response. Finally I let out a sigh and dragged them out of the guildhall while they argued. "Happy, Natsu!" I yell. No response.

"I have fish!" No response.

"I guess I have to do this the hard way," I reach up and pick Happy up off of Natsu's head and set him on the ground before grabbing Natsu by his muffler and pulling him closer to me and kissing him. Happy stares at us and grins behind his cute paws. I step back from Natsu who has a surprised look on his face. Then he looks around suddenly realizing he isn't in the guildhall, but outside it. His face is covered in utter confusion and I burst out laughing. "What?" He finally asks.

"Nothing, let's all just go home," I dismiss the question. And so, we all go home.

~*~ TIMESKIP: one month ~*~

Things where moving along smoothly with the baby, and the room for it was coming together well since I had lots of time to work in it. I spent lots of time at the guildhall with whoever was around, and I practiced keeping multiple gates open so I kept my magic practice up. Even if I couldn't go on missions I was going to keep my skills and magic level up so I'd be ready to return the second I was able to. Mirajane and Levy had a good portion of the wedding planned, and they where beginning to work on the types of decorations. They also said they where planning a surprise for me and Natsu. I was so excited to find out what it was, and I couldn't wait till the wedding,

~*~ TIMESKIP: one month ~*~

Everything was still going well, and I was now staying at home more often than not. Mirajane and the girls came by often though to keep me company, but I mainly stayed outside of the house, walking around in the fresh air so I wouldn't tire of the house. I also wrote on my book's draft, which Levy was thrilled about. She said she was sure I would publish it within the next year. Wendy checked on me often, making sure I was okay and that the baby was okay. She was acting more and more grown up every day, but she was still one of the cutest members of Fairy Tail. Carla was even beginning to give into Happy's requests to go on dates with him. They went fishing, quite often. But even despite Carla's protests we could tell she liked it.

~*~ TIMESKIP: one month before due date ~*~

I opened my eyes and realized it was morning, so I carefully got out of bed. Natsu was up and when he saw me walk into the kitchen he came over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "How are you feeling Luce?" He asked me.

"Very pregnant," I sigh.

"You have only a month to go, you're almost there Lucy," he reminded me."I just want it over with," I tell him.

"It will be over soon and you will be a mom, you will have your hands full with a baby to take care of," he tells me."And an exceed and a dragon slayer," I add.

He smiles at me. "The month will be over before you know it Lucy," he says before leaving for the guildhall."This is going to be the longest month of my life," I groan.

It was.

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