Matchmaker Mira

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Lucy's POV

I am at the bar drinking my usual strawberry shake when I hear Mira giggling quietly to herself. I look up at her.

"Something funny Mira?" I give her a confused look.

She shook her head.

"Nope! Erza and Jellal are just about to fall for my trap!" She winks at me.

"Erza?! And Jellal..?" I murmur and then realization hits me.

"You don't mean, that trap do you?" I ask as the memory of a similar time flooded my mind.

She only gave me a sweet smile before heading to Master Makarov's office. I looked at the guild doors, eager to see Erza when she returned. I laughed softly to myself at the memory of that trap.

~*~ FLASHBACK: a year and a half ago~*~

"So, why are we here again?" Natsu asks for the millionth time.

*anger mark*

"Geez baka! We are here to get an item for Mirajane!" Anger seeps into my words.

"Oh yeah!" Natsu nods his head like he knew the whole time.

"Natsu you're so forgetful..." Happy commented from above.

"But not as forgetful as Lucy," he teased.

"Agh cat! When you land down here you're gonna get it!!" I yell, squeezing my fists.

I turn back from the exceed to see we have come to the shop Mirajane instructed me to go to. Happy lands somewhere nearby and me and Natsu head inside.

I begin looking around for a blue amethyst. Natsu searches the shelves when the older woman behind the desk murmurs something and suddenly the floor beneath me disappears.


I open my eyes to a very dim light. I feel a soft mattress beneath me, despite having fallen through the floor.

"Wait, what happened? Where am I?" I frantically look around and then my eyes land on Natsu.

He was beside the bed, propped up against the wall. I gently shook him.

"Natsu?" His name escapes my lips hesitantly.

"Eh? What the hell..!" He looked around before he seemed to realize where we were.

"Oh, I thought I was dreaming that whole thing..." He looked up at the ceiling confused.

"How are we going to get out? And why are we here in the first place?" I wonder aloud.

"I could force a way out!" Natsu jumps up, hitting his fist to his palm.

"I'll bust a hole right through the wall!" He shouted as he lit his fist and slammed it hard into the wall. The place shook all over, sending me toppling over.

I looked up from where I was on the floor and saw the wall didn't even have scorch marks.

"Damn!" Natsu cursed under his breath.

I pushed myself up off the stone ground and tried thinking for a while.

"My spirits will be totally useless... If Natsu can't even burn the wall a tiny bit..."

I slouch over totally defeated.

"Hey Lucy! What's this paper say?" Natsu says, breaking me out of my gloom.

I take the paper he was holding out to me. I carefully read the ultra tiny script.

"Hello Lucy and Natsu! You are here in this "special" room, to grow your bond! I'll release you when I feel the time is right!! Have fun! ;)


I finish reading the note out loud. Natsu was scratching the back of his head.

"What the heck could that mean!? And why would Mira put us down here?!" He pouted.

"I wonder..." I laugh nervously as a thought crosses my mind.

"Mirajane doesn't mean, that, does she?" I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Yo Mira! Let us the heck outta here!" Natsu demanded.

"Natsu... I don't think that will work." I shake my head.

"Well then what are we supposed to do?!" He waved his arms frantically, some fire spilling from his mouth.

"Well, we will have fun together! Just like Mira said!" I grin.

"And how are we gonna do that?" Natsu looks at me confused.

"Just by doing, whatever we want," I give him a thumbs up.

~*~ Flashforward: Present Day ~*~

And that led to us spending all night talking about home, Igneel, the other dragons, my spirits... And maybe some other things...

I finish my shake and start to head back home. I knew I'd find out soon if Mirajane used that trap on Erza and Jellal, and just how it went.

Natsu came over to me after his most recent tussle with Gray. He looked slightly beaten but he was grinning like usual. I couldn't help but smile and giggle a little. Natsu gave me a strange look.

"Why are ya laughin'?" He asks me.

"I'm just really happy," I tell him as we head home.

"Now I just have to confirm or deny my suspicions... And Wendy said she knew just the person to help."

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