Dangerous Mission - Trouble For Lucy!

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Hey guys! So before you read the chapter I have a little announcement for you! So since Ready or Not is going to come to an end within the next few months, I decided to start a new NaLu book! It should be posted in a few days or whenever this goes up, depending on when it gets written. Anyway if you guys are interested go check it out once it's posted! I'll keep you updated!


Lucy's POV

I woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom. I vomited pretty violently for a minute and then leaned back against the wall. Natsu came to the door and looked at me slightly concerned.

"Are you okay Luce?" He asked me.

I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out. I nodded to him. I knew this would be normal for a week or two.

And it was. Every morning for the next two weeks I continued to wake up and get sick. On the third week it tampered down and by the end of the month it was less frequent.

By this point I was beginning to show just a little bit, and fall was right on our heels. Levy and I had begun to plan Natsu and I's wedding, set for the summer. She already planned to have it at the guildhall, and I felt that would be perfect considering it was my second home.

Natsu and Erza started picking slightly easier jobs for us all to go on. I know they tired to keep it subtle but I could tell. I still tried to do my best on each job to show them they didn't have to suffer lower paying jobs for my sake. But the hard work was starting to take a toll- and luckily they hadn't picked up on it. It was small, so I knew I would be fine.

Right as we speak we are headed to help release people being taken captive by a group of dark wizards who plan to experiment and sell them. Gray, Erza, Natsu, Wendy, Carla, Happy and myself were headed to their headquarters.

"Let's take a break here guys," Erza sudden declared. We all looked at her.

"But we aren't far Erza! Let's just finish now," I suggest.

After a little discussion the group decides to stop despite my protest. I set my bag down beside Wendy and quietly walk away from the group a bit. I stretch my arms and yawn, not having noticed how weary I really was. I sat down against a solid tree trunk and was out cold before I knew it.

When I woke up my hands were bound and I was being jostled around. My eyes widened in fear as I realized I was being kidnapped. Cloth over my mouth prevented me from calling out, though Natsu and the others had no doubt by now noticed my absence. I struggled against my ties and wiggled around but failed to do more than wear myself out.

"So the little Spirit Mage is awake?" I heard a scratchy voice croon.

"What do you want?!" I demand.

"Well, I suppose selling you on the black market would make me enough to last a lifetime. But I think I'll use your magic to serve my, other, purposes," a wicked grin showed fang like teeth.

"Is this guy, one of the wizards we are pursuing?!" Panic floods my mind.

If I wasn't found fast the baby could be hurt.

"No!" I screamed in my mind. I struggled against the ties.

It seemed like I'd been there forever by the time we stopped, and when I was pulled out my heart plummeted. All around me where other mages, chained to walls and lying on the groun in heaps behind rusting bars. All of them had visible injuries. Some had bandages, and they looked to be in the best condition of everyone. I was led over to my own tiny cell and tossed in. I sat up and tried to bolt but I was knocked to my feet and the bar door was slammed shut.

When the man left I looked over at the people in the cell nearest me. They stared at me, pity in their eyes.

"You're the girl aren't you?" A younger girl asked.

"What?" I sit up.

"The girl, you know, the celestial mage who has all twelve of the zodiac keys?" She pressed her hands to the bars.

"The one who can save us?"

With that line my heart broke. I nodded my head. "That's me," I say confidently.

She smiled and then went back to the other people in her cell. I tried to think of what I could do. At least Natsu and the others had my keys, which were in my bag. I couldn't do anything though as long as I didn't have them. I was still tired, and only growing weaker. I needed the others. But I also told the girl I could save them.

Just then a few people burst through the doors and opened a cell. They grabbed a boy who started screaming and kicking in an attempt to break free. They cast a spell over him and he immediately stopped moving. A few people from that cell had only dark looks on their faces. I wanted to save him but I was about as useless as a rock.

Then they came over to my cell and grabbed me too. I was taken to a darker room and strapped to a table.

"Miss Heartfillia, it's time," a voice drifted from the shadows. A sleeping spell was cast over me and I was fighting for consciousness. As I was slipping between reality and sleep and losing hope of escaping, I faintly heard loud noises and shouting. The people around me were rushing around until one was blasted by ice lances and taken down by swords. The last one was knocked back by a blast of fire.

Three familiar faces floated above me, and I heard them telling me to keep it together. Eventually the spell won and I fell asleep.

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