Natsu Returns!

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Dedicated to @IcyPyro ! Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting! You are so sweet and when I re-read your comments and my whole day immediately gets better, thank you <3

Lucy's POV

I contacted the owner of the house I wanted to buy, and agreed to pay the entire down payment upfront. I met the woman at a restaurant and paid her, with the last of my Jewl, and then she gave me the house keys. After I got back to the apartment I began packing things up, so that tomorrow I could have my friends come over and help if they were free.

I placed most of my clothes in my suitcase, and the rest in a box. I packed up my kitchen utensils, and tapped the box lid closed. After that I placed all of my office supplies in boxes and stacked them all near the door. I was completely worn out, so I decided to relax in the bath.

I soaked in the warm water for an hour, letting my muscles relax. After I got out I got dressed and made some food, all the while doing all this to feign and attempt at keeping a certain pink haired Mage and blue feline out of my mind.

And I of course, failed to do it.

I eventually gave up and grabbed Natsu's muffler and wrapped it tightly around me. I sat there just thinking about him when there was a knock at my door. I quickly folded up the muffler and set it aside before opening the door. In front of me stood Levy, her eyes showing understanding of my situation. She held her arms open and I quickly ran into them, crying on her shoulder.

"Levy, Levy I miss him so much," I weep.

She hugs me tighter. I knew if it were the me of a year ago, I'd find a way to keep my spirits up. Right now though I needed Natsu here with me and I didn't tell him till he was gone, if he's even read the note.

"Lu-chan? Gajeel said he would go a get Natsu... If you really needed him," Levy stepped back from me.

I shook my head. Despite missing him terribly, I knew the right thing was to let Natsu complete his mission, or decide to come home on his own.

"It's not right for me to take his mission from him, especially one this important..." I sigh.

She looks around and sees the packed boxes.

"Are you, moving?" She asks looking around.

"Yeah, I found a small house not far from here that's perfect. I just need some help moving my things," my voice evened out as I spoke.

She looked back at me. "How about this, tomorrow I'll bring Gray and Gajeel and we will all move the stuff, okay?"

I smile at her. "Sounds like a plan!" We high-fived, hugged and then she left.

I lay down in my bed think about how Natsu used to always sneak in through my window, and how I'd get mad and kick him and Happy out. I'd give anything for that to happen. I slowly drifted off to sleep, though I was restless and uncomfortable.

~*~ TIMESKIP: next afternoon ~*~

I pushed the last box against the wall of the new house. Levy kept letting out little squeals and saying things like, "This is so perfect!"


"I can really picture you and Natsu living here, Lucy!"

I looked at her. She had a daydreamy look on her face and when she caught sight of Gajeel she blushed and hurried to continue whatever she had been doing before slipping off.

I poked her arm and gave her a grin. I knew what that look meant. She blushed and shook her head at me before giggling. I just laughed a little and opened a box of some kitchen supplies. Levy helped me unpack the essentials and Gray and Gajeel moved all the furniture. By the time we were done they were lying on the ground in exhaustion.

Levy and I laughed to ourselves at the sight of them, both lying on the ground gasping for air.

"Well," Levy said looking at the sun, "it's about time to go,"

I nodded. I waved to them as they walked down the stone path to the road and then disappeared over the horizon. I turned around and looked at the house, a simple two story home with two bedrooms, the outside a soft blue and the inside mainly yellow. I headed inside and sat down on the couch. I made myself dinner and soon after fell asleep after a tiring day of moving boxes.

Natsu's POV

Happy and I were lying in the sand, watching as the sun began to set. That's when we saw a ship approaching.

"Happy!! There's a boat!" I yelled jumping up.

"Yaaaaay! We can go home!" Happy cheered. He held a new fish in his hands.

"Lucy, I'm coming. I won't let you be alone like this,"

The ship soon pulled up and we got on, and told them we needed to return to Magnolia as fast as they could manage. Soon after I was leaned over the rail, green-faced and ready to hurl.

~*~ TIMESKIP: at guildhall ~*~

It was late at night, but I knew Mira stayed late at the guildhall. Especially when people go on long missions. Mira looked up when I walked in, and a smile grew on her face.

"So you did come back," she grinned.

"Yup! Is Lucy at her apartment?" I ask.

"No, she bought a house! And according to Levy it's really cute! Here's the address," Mira held out a slip of paper. I grabbed it, and then took off after waving to Mirajane.

Lucy's POV

I grasped Natsu's muffler tightly in my hands. I was shivering in my bed despite the blankets. I wrapped the muffler around me and longed for Natsu's warmth. I knew I was visibly shivering at this point, but I tried to sleep.

That's when I felt the blankets get ripped away and the cold air rushed over me making me gasp aloud. Then warm arms pulled me up and into a warm chest. I froze.

"No, there is no way..."

"Luce..." Natsu whispered.

I immediately turned around and buried myself in his chest, crying my eyes out. He lifted my face and dried my tears. Then he kissed me gently.

"Lucy, why didn't you tell me that Wendy thought you were pregnant?" I heard him ask.

"I didn't want you to not go on your mission, I knew you had alw-" I was cut off by another sudden kiss.

"You always come first Lucy," he leaned his forehead against mine. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Natsu, Grandine said I am pregnant," I tell him after a long pause.

He pulled away from me and stared at me. "Do you think we are ready for this?" The question barely crossed his lips when I nodded slowly.

"I think we can do it," I tell him.

He pulls me closer to him. The heat of his body radiated over me and I was no longer cold. Then I realized I hadn't seen Happy.

"Where's Happy?" I ask suddenly.

"I think he went to find Carla," Natsu ponders for a second. I laugh a little. Happy was so cute, despite being well, Happy.

Natsu sat me down with him on the bed then and I laid limp in his lap, my head on his shoulder. He wrapped me up in a blanket and when we laid back he pulled me as close as possible to him. Before I drifted off I heard him whisper, "I swear Lucy, I'll never leave you or the baby. And I'll always protect you,"

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