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I watched from my ladder as Mary Ellen wiped the sweat from her brow. I can tell she is still confused. I've laid a lot on her over the last few days.

"Hey kid, pay attention. She'll still be there when we're finished." My dad thinks he's funny.

"Dad, do you think I can borrow mom's car tonight?"

"What's wrong with yours?"

"Her's has a better radio." Not to mention it's a convertible.

"I don't see why not, are you taking that girl out or something?"

I smiled. "That's the plan."

There were so many people here, we did more than I thought was possible. Doug's dad built a ramp, the house is painted, and the shudders are fixed. The yard looks amazing, and Jill from the greenhouse, brought a ton of plants, and the grass is mowed and looks great. When Mary Ellen is ready to invite me in, I'll see what's needed on the inside.

I looked around at all the good hearted people that showed, and Doug is the only one out of all my friends. It stung a little, but then I saw her walk across the lawn with a smile on her face. Suddenly, nobody else matters.

I climbed down from my ladder and started cleaning up. I would catch her glancing at me every now and again, and I'd just wink at her and she would blush. She's fucking adorable.

I loaded the last of the tools in Doug's truck, then approached Mary Ellen. "Can you be ready in an hour?"

"Maybe." She batted her long lashes at me, and Jesus Christ, I want to kiss her all night.

"I'll be back in an hour." I pecked her lips and hopped in Doug's truck.

"Well, I guess throw the whole friendship plan out the window and start over?" He laughed.

"Yep, she is officially my girl now."

He laughed. "Did you give her a choice?"

"Nope." We both laughed that time.

"I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. At first I thought, maybe she had a really hot sister, then I saw it was her. Hard to believe how much those glasses hid what was behind them." He cleared his throat. "Also, the tank.." I punched his arm as he drove.

"Man, oh man, is Katheryn and her gang going to freak or what?" He shook his head.

"I don't care about any of them. The only people in this town that matter are the ones that pitched in today."

"I knew you'd see the light eventually. Treat her good, man." He gave me a fist pump, and I jumped out of the truck to go get a shower.

When I arrived at her house, she was sitting on the front porch. I shoved my keys in my pocket and offered her my hand. She took it, and I pulled her up into my arms. "I hope I'm not moving too fast and freaking you out." I hugged her and she hugged me back. "I'm okay."

"Come, I want to take you to our spot." I opened the car door and she sat inside. "You have two cars?" She asked.

"No, it's my mom's."

I leaned in and kissed her before I shut the door. When I got in, I started it, then opened the top. Her eyes lit up, and she smiled at me. Totally worth driving mom's car and leaving my baby at home.

We pulled up to our spot and I turned off the car, but left the radio on. "Don't move." She giggled as I made my way around to her door.

"You're spoiling me." She said.

"That's the plan." I held my hand out for her. It's really just because I love seeing those eyes look up at me.

I had the car parked on the top of the hill overlooking the town. I lifted her up on the hood of mom's car, and I stood in front of her.

"I hope the house isn't too much of a shock. I didn't mean for everyone to show, but it really does look great."

"You're right it does, so thanks." She said.

"Your mom isn't going to be pissed?" I asked, but she laughed.

"If luck's still on my side, she'll pass it up, and get lost trying to find it." She laughed.

I placed my hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry things are rough."

She smiled. "You've made it easier."

"I hope so." I'm lost in her again. I leaned in and kissed her, but this time she ran her fingers through my hair. My heart beats so fast it takes my breath away. I leaned in as my right hand trails down her back, then I lifted her leg as I leaned her back against the hood of mom's car. She slid down a little, and my hard on was graced by the most heavenly spot on a woman's body.

She didn't protest and didn't push me away, so I deepened our kiss and was surprised when she buckled her hips against me. I squeezed my eyes shut, and coached myself to calm down.

I hesitantly moved my hand upward, and she let out the tiniest moan. Her skin is soft like silk and she is amazing. I pulled back and looked into her eyes, I needed permission before I moved them any further. She must have known because she reached up and pulled my head back down, and for the first time she kissed me. She kissed me without my prompting.

Finally, my hand reached its destination. My fingers slipped under her bra, and I moaned when I felt how hard her nipple is, and how firm her boob is as I squeezed it.

I grinded against her and the relief only she can offer me won't come tonight, it's too soon and I respect her too much.

I pulled back and we are both breathing heavy. "I better get you home before I lose control."

Yeah, this seems to be an issue around Mary Ellen, I find her irresistable.

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