Like A Family

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Mary Ellen

I can't explain why I love it so much when Grayson opens my door for me. It just reminds me of the happiest moments of my life, or at least that's my best conclusion.

Grayson handed our tickets over, and we were led to a big basket. Suddenly, Grayson picks me up, and I start laughing as he set me down inside. "There's a door, silly." Jacob is finally laughing.

"I know." Grayson winks at me and dammit if I didn't blush. There are a few photographers snapping pictures, but mostly tourists, I believe.

I gripped on to the basket when our pilot started to lift us. It was loud and, while I'm scared, my son is smiling ear to ear looking over the edge with his dad. They pointed and smiled, while I closed my eyes and prayed for my life.

"Mom's scared." Jacob laughed at me.

"Don't lean over that much, you're going to give me a heart attack!" I yelled at him.

"Are you scared, Mary Ellen?" Grayson asked, but I crossed my arms.

"No." I replied with my best and bravest fake smile.

"Then come look, there's waterfalls." Dammit Grayson.

I reluctantly did, but my knees seriously want to buckle.

I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. "I've got you, you're not going to fall. Plus the baskets tall." He reassured me.

"Wow, look at that mom!" Jacob pointed at a huge waterfall.

"It's beautiful." It was breathtaking. That's when I realized I felt the safest I have in years while in Grayson arms. I've never felt a difference in Preston's.

Jacob pulled my phone out of my bag and snapped a photo of us.

I just smiled for him, then he started to take them of the scenery. Grayson hadn't let go yet. I know he should, but that's not what I want.

His voice vibrates in his chest as he speaks to our son, and I laid my head back and closed my eyes. This is so wrong, but I've craved these arms for so long now.

He leaned his head down and whispered, "Are you okay?" in my ear. My body shivered and I drew in a deep breath.

"I'm perfect" I didn't even open my eyes. His breath hitched, then he kissed my temple which made me once again shiver.

Through all my trials that includes what happened to Dad, mom's alcoholism, the bullying, struggling to keep my baby fed while in New York, no memories depress me as much as my first day without Grayson.

People might think it was puppy love, or that we weren't together long enough to claim the kind of deep love I had for this man. I struggled through clinical depression, nightmares, and I thought I would die of a broken heart. My love for Grayson has always been as true and pure as the love I have for our son.

He squeezed me tighter, and I turned my head and looked up at him. He was watching Jacob first with a smile, then looked at me.

He doesn't seem like he's all there, he seems lost. The same as I felt long ago, until he offered me his frienship and I found myself.

Our eyes locked, and it seems like he's trying to tell me something, and they remind me of my father's eyes. The ones that seemed as if they wanted to tell me so much, but there are no words.

I almost gasped, when I realized that Grayson is not okay. He's where I was when he came to my rescue all those years ago. Jacob is talking with the pilot, and he's explaining how the whole thing works to our little engineer.

I turned my body and stood against his, our eyes engaged and I can see the pain, I placed my hand on his cheek. His arms wrapped around my waist while I try to to read him.

"We are all going to be okay." I said, but when I got no response, I laid my head against his chest and hugged him tightly. His warm lips graced the top of my head, but I'm holding him in my arms this time. Mine are strong enough for all of us now.

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