That's My Boy

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Mary Ellen insisted we all ride together in her car. Of course, she has a driver take her everywhere. She's not the shy girl I once knew, she now seems spoiled.

I spent the day at the studios with my son. He's probably the coolest kid to have ever been on this earth, but that's to be expected, he and I are cut from the same cloth. I can't believe it's normal for any kid to meet his biological father for the first time and be so outgoing and accepting. Something tells me this kid knows more than Mary Ellen ever told him.

He took me to several sets with some big security guard name Benny, who cared more about his fun-sized chocolate bars than anything else. I don't know who falls for that shit, but those tiny things don't look fun sized to me at all.

It was a short day of filming I guess, because by dinner time, we were on our way back to her place. Well, Preston's I presume.

When the car stopped, I told Mary Ellen to wait. "This is how you should always treat a lady, Jacob." I held my hand out and she rolled her eyes at me when she took it.

"Most ladies don't roll their eyes at you when you're trying to be a gentleman," I informed my son, and Mary Ellen blushed.

I still enjoyed looking down at her as she looked up at me with those long lashes and blue eyes.

"We will see you in two weeks. Well, I'll see you at the casting party first, most likely." Mary Ellen said.

She looked down at her feet. Dammit, I wish she would look at me.

"Alright, Jacob has my number and so do you, please stay in contact." I said as I got in my rental. I have a few meetings in the morning when I'm back home for two weeks.

I have another big ass obstacle to face at home, Allison.

When I stepped out of the airport, she jumped into my arms and kissed me. She was kind of a relief for sore eyes. Seeing Mary Ellen with that actor made me sick.

"How was your trip?" She asked as she drove me home.

"Life changing actually," I said, and she glanced at me.

"What does that mean?"

"It means we have a lot to talk about when we get to my place." I squeezed her hand to reassure her.

She looked worried and she probably should, to be honest. That kid is going to turn my life upside down in a good way, but I have a feeling it will not be easy for Allison.

She walked in and gave my golden retriever a good scratch behind the ear. "What do we need to talk about?" She asked, as she looked up at me.

"Let me grab a beer first." I gave my dog, Max, a good pet down first.

She sat at the counter and I opened my beer before I took a big ass swig, and leaned on the counter.

"So? What's going on?" She is impatient.

"I saw Mary Ellen," I said, and her eyes started to well up.

"Hey, it's nothing like that, I swear." I cupped her cheek.

"Then what?"

"When she tore out of here that day she was pregnant." I just spit it out.

"Yours? You never told me! What the hell?" She got upset.

"I would have told you if I knew about him."

"A son?" She started crying. "You have a son?"

"Yes, his name is Jacob and he's nine. He's really a good kid, handsome too." I smirked.

"You think this is funny? We are supposed to be planning a life together, and you pop in at home and just throw down the fact that you're a dad?"

"In my defense, I didn't know, and I'm totally stoked about it now. At first, I was pissed, but I talked to Dad, and he helped me realize that Mary Ellen had good reasons."

"Your parents knew before me?" She got up and stormed toward the door.

"Hey, come on now. I only called him because I was confused." I wrapped my arm around her waist from behind.

"Don't touch me!"

"How can you be so damn pissed over something I didn't know?" I asked.

She let out a sigh. "Because that woman's name brings back bad memories for all of us."


"That had nothing to do with you." I snapped.

"Gray, don't you remember how she was? All creepy and sad all the time. She was weak, and to be honest, ugly as hell. If it wasn't for her..." she stopped herself.

"If it wasn't for her what? I dare you to finish that sentence." I pushed away from her. "Mary Ellen is and always has been beautiful, strong, and so damn smart, that none of you could stand to see that on her. Fucking jealous, that's what all of you were back then, and now too!" I went to walk away.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!" She was on my tail.

I turned. "Weren't you just leaving?"

"Don't throw this back on me, Gray! I didn't get knocked up in high school! I also would have never kept a child from his father!" She is now screaming at me.

"Isn't that what you're doing now? You're pissed he exists because he didn't come from you." I snarled at her.

"Yes, okay? It hurts that I can't give you your first born. It hurts because I've imagined giving you that for years, and you just ripped that away from me. That fucking cunt, who turned this town upside down already did!" She cried.

"Mary Ellen did nothing to this town, but exist and try to hide from assholes like us. If anyone did, it's your bitch of a friend Kathryn!" I grabbed her arm and put my mouth next to her ear. "If you ever speak like that about her, I'll make sure you never step foot around me again." I lightly pushed her away and went to my weight room and slammed the door shut.

I flipped on the radio, and of course, it's Mary Ellen's voice again. Singer/songwriter turned actress, this is just too much.

I sat on the floor and drank my beer, but my anger rose. I threw my beer bottle at the man who stared back at me in the mirror against the wall.

All these years I've fought against the darkness inside me. I've battled depression, and some serious insecurities. I'm not the confident boy that won over the school nerd, I'm a sorry excuse for a man. I'm sure as hell not ready to be a father.

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