Ten Years Later

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I crawled onto bed after a long day, and the remote was next to me, so I turned on the television. There she is, looking even more beautiful than I remember.

I tried to chase after her, and no matter what I tried, she would never see me. I wrote letters, and even sent friends to deliver a message, but I got nothing.

She has blossomed in front of my eyes, but not in person. She is famous now, as an actress and singer. I went to one of her concerts in Manhattan a few years ago, but still no luck, she refused me.

I wanted to tell her that I was just as much a victim as she was, but she will never see me. I can't blame her, really. If I didn't set up the recorder, then who did?

Of course it was Kathryn and Gabe. They knew my parents were gone, and they knew I'd bring Mary Ellen up to my room. With my parents help, we went to the police and filled out a report, then like magic, the two were arrested, and that's when I became interested in law.

I went to college, then to law school, and now I work for Allistaire Resorts and have a very small practice back home. Allistaire builds almost everywhere on earth, meaning I travel a lot. I will be going to L.A. this week to work on a contract for a movie with a director who wants to shoot in one of our resorts in Hawaii.

Mr. Tucker was wrong that day, that wasn't the only copy of the video made against our will. My face was blurred out, but hers wasn't, and it was released on a porn site. She sued the site and won, but I was never included.

I looked back at the television, and Mary Ellen was being interviewed in one of those Hollywood gossip shows.

"Can you comment on the rumors of an upcoming movie?"

"I can't go into much detail yet, but I'm pretty excited about the opportunity to work with such great actors."

"I've heard you've created a new album after two years. I have to say I'm excited, because I love all your music. How will you have time to promote it with the television series and your movie coming up?"

"I get summers off from the series, and there will be only limited concerts this summer."

"Now to the juicy stuff, is it true you're involved with Preston Nightly?"

She smiled, and even blushed a little, but my heart dropped.

"You guys don't miss a beat do you?" She is uncomfortable, but manages a small laugh. "I can't confirm or deny at this point."

"I think we can all presume that's a yes."

I didn't want to hear another word, there's no way she can ever love someone as much as she loves me. I felt it, and experienced the same with her, but I lost her because of fucking jealousy.

The next day, I had lunch with Doug, as I always do on Wednesdays when I'm home.

"How are things between you and Allison?" He asked, but I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite out of my burger.

"You saw the interview didn't you?" He asked, and I nodded.

"You've got to stop doing this to yourself, she's been gone a damn decade, and she's not coming back."

"I know, and that's why I've tried to move on." I wiped my hands on my napkin.

"It's not fair to Allison." He shook his head.

"I'm not hung up anymore, if that's your concern."

"You better not be, because Allison has put in a lot of time and effort into your relationship." He reminded me.

"I know."

I've not been the same since graduation. I suffer from bouts of depression, and it's hard to escape her memory, she haunts me day and night.

Later that day, I returned home. "Grayson, is that you?" I walked in and saw Allison standing in my kitchen chopping vegetables. I leaned against the wall and stared.

"The one and only."

Allison is a pretty girl no doubt, but she doesn't hold a candle to Mary Ellen.

She walked up and kissed my cheek before grabbing something from the fridge, she does have a nice ass.

I walked up behind her and started kissing her neck. My hand trailed around and I dipped my hand inside her pants, stroking her inside walls. She leaned up against my chest and started moaning.

I quickly unbuttoned her pants, then pushed them down. "I want to fuck you from behind," I whispered in her ear.

"Yes, please."

I unzipped my pants and reached in to release myself, then slammed into her. She gasped and I pounded her hard as I pulled at her hair, and she screamed out in pleasure.

The only noises in the house were boiling water, and our skin smacking against each other mixed with her moans. My mind is where it usually is during sex, Mary Ellen Helms.

"Come with me!" She cried out.

I did exactly that, and grunted through my orgasm. "Fuck!" I yelled out as I spilled inside her.

I didn't make love to Allison, I fucked her, because I'll never make love again, unless Mary Ellen comes back into my life. I reserved my gentle touch for one woman and only one woman. I'll probably never see her again. She didn't even come home when her father passed away six years ago.

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