Leave Me

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Mary Ellen

Cecil told me about how he chased after Penelope for years before she finally gave in, and when she got pregnant for the first time, he literally high tailed it from their apartment in sheer fright. He was walking me to my suite.

I was laughing as we stepped off the elevator. "Make sure you send Penelope our love, and tell Jackson he will have his playmate home soon," I said.

Cecil stopped in his tracks, and I looked up to see Grayson sitting in the hall next to my door.

"Are you okay?" Cecil looks at me with concern, and I can see Grayson stand.

"I'm fine." I kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Cecil. I'll see you next week." He nodded before walking away.

I pulled my key from my purse. "It's too late to see Jacob tonight, he's sleeping." I unlocked my door.

"I've been here a while, and he wouldn't let me in."

I walked into the suite and set my purse down.

"Seems to me that he's upset with both of us." I pulled off my heels then the pins in my hair, before I walked out to that balcony and he followed.

"Why is he upset with you?" He asked.

"Well, he's not mad at me, but he is hurt. He had high hopes."

The breeze felt calming as it ran through my hair.

"Why did you give him high hopes? Why did you tell him anything?" He snapped.

"Oh come on, Grayson. You watch your mother seem deathly ill and tell me you wouldn't worry. I told him he's having a baby brother or sister. What was I supposed to do? You wouldn't give me the time of day."

He looked at my stomach and back up to my face. I felt the tingle of my first tear.

His eyes softened and he took a step closer, I put my hand up and stopped him. "That's close enough."

His hands dropped. "I wasn't in a good frame of mind that night, Mary Ellen. You finally came back to me, and the minute you said you needed time I freaked out. I'm sorry about that, believe me."

"That night must not have meant anything to you. You're in a relationship! You've moved on and once again I'm on my own and pregnant." I wiped a tear away.

"I avoided you because I couldn't bear to hear the words. After so many years of reaching out to you, I wasn't able to process anything. I didn't believe you could ever want me again. I've been in a dark place for a very long time."

"You look better now than ever. She must keep you warm at night while I'm pregnant with your child." I cried. "While I deal with your ex and wipe your son's tears."

"That's not fair."

"Not fair? I gave myself to you again and when we were done, there was nothing I could say to have made you happy. Was it another one of your cruel jokes?"

"What? Are you kidding me? No, it wasn't a joke, of course not. I'll never love anyone the way I love you."

"Yet, she's still keeping your bed warm. Goodbye, Grayson. I'll have my attorney contact you." I slid open the door to walk away, but he put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

"My bed is as cold as ice without you." He whispered into my ear.

I pushed away. "I'm not playing your cruel games, Grayson." I wiped my tears away.

"This isn't a game, Mary Ellen," He yelled.


Jacob came walking out scratching his head.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine baby, go back to bed. Your father and I are just having a discussion."

"He made you cry." My little tough guy is pissed.

He walked up and stood in front of me. "Jacob, I'm fine, and your father and I have things to work out just as the two of you do, so please don't worry and go back to bed."

He turned to his father. "You made her cry. You know we don't need you, we did it fine before, and as a matter of fact..." He walked away. "Jacob, go to bed." He ignored me, and came back in and shoved the gear knob into his father stomach. "Take this, I don't want your stupid car, give it to your new girlfriend."

I saw the pain of Jacob's words in Grayson's eyes. "Why don't you work things out with your son?" I turned and ran to my room, just in time to empty the contents of my stomach.

I sat on the bathroom floor and sobbed until I finally laid down on the cool tile. My tears formed a puddle, as I wrapped my arms around my growing womb and pulled my knees up.

I told him that night wasn't a mistake, and as I spoke, he heard silence. Nothing I could have said would have saved us that night, because Grayson convinced himself that we would never be able to move past the pain.

My eyes grew heavy as I hiccuped through my tears. I have the same dream I've had for years.

"What's wrong?" He looked concerned as he sat down across from me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "They're all staring and giving me dirty looks." He looked around and saw it for himself. I could see the anger on his face when he smiled at me.

He went to stand up, but I grabbed his hand. "Don't do anything, please."

"This is my battle too, Mary Ellen."

"Please, Grayson."

He let go of my hand and climbed up on the seat.

"Could I have everyone's attention, please? You're all probably wondering why Mary Ellen and I spend so much time together these days."

I could hear whispers.

"I've learned so much over the past few weeks, things she opened my eyes to, and one of those things is you may find the best friend right under your nose if you open your eyes and truly see that person.

A few weeks ago Mary Ellen and I started seeing each other after school. It's been the best few weeks of my life. I'm deeply and madly in love with her, and I couldn't care less what any of you have to say.

Someday, I'll marry this girl, and you all can sit back and reap what you sow. You'll be lonely, but I'll have a great girl to spend my time with, so enjoy your misery. I won't be sharing in it."

Grayson's Angel (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now