(Four: Pregnant? pt.1)

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Seths pov.

The sudden urge of having to throw up awakens me from my sleep and I quickly rise from the bed, racing over to the bathroom and dropping to my knees in front of the toilet. Tears brim my eyes as the disgusting taste lingers within my mouth.

"What the fuck is happening?." This has been going on for the past two weeks and I know for sure it isn't a bug. I never get sick. I wipe my mouth, willingly walking over to the sink and pick up my toothbrush beginning to brush my teeth to rid the taste. I wash my face also and use the towel that was on the side to dry my face. I stare at myself in the mirror, examining myself from different angles.

I was..glowing?.

I shake off the unusual feeling and walk out of the room, going downstairs and straight into the kitchen, smiling to myself as I opened up one of the cupboards. I grab the packet of donuts and sour gummies, throwing it onto the island and taking a seat. Dean's gonna be angry once he realises that his donuts are gone!.


I bite my lip as I layer a few gummies on top of the glazed donut and take a huge bite into it, humming in content. I take a few more bites until realisation hits me.

Am I really eating gummies with donuts?.

There's something seriously wrong with me. I drop my donut and run upstairs, grabbing my phone off of the charger and searching through my contacts until I came upon Brie's, immediately tapping her name. She'd probably be working out right now, but this is an emergency.

The phone rang for a couple seconds until Brie's face popped up on the screen, of course she had her headphones on and was currently on a treadmill, a bright smile plastered across her face.

"Hey Sethie! Are you calling for Dean, cause he's just across the room, I can get-."


I quickly cut her off, a surprised look replacing her smile. "Sorry it's just - I-I need your help, please?." She looked away from the phone, seconds later she was walking away from the treadmill and sat down with just as much worry clear in her expression as mine.

"What's wrong?." She asks. I take a deep breath in and sit down on my bed. If it is what I think it is then..wow. "This is a really weird question but..before you...found out you were pregnant with Birdie. Were you, glowing? Like naturally glowing?."

"Yeah I was actually, why do you ask?."

"I just - can you answer another question for me?." " Go ahead Seth, you're like kinda scaring me." She chuckles nervously. "Sorry." I mumble.

I thought back to the time when Dean and I last had some alone time. "Were you throwing up before you took your pregnancy test?." God I sounded so stupid. "Seth that was the reason why I took the pregnancy test cause I knew throwing up on a daily basis wasn't just any sort of sickness." She says, drinking out of her water bottle.

Holy fuck, am I?.

"Brie..I-I think I might be..pregnant?..." I watched as her eyes widened and the water in her mouth sprayed all over the camera. "Excuse me! You're what?!." She whisper yells through the phone.

"I don't know Brie! I'm freaking out!."

I curse under my breath as I bite down on my knuckles, rocking back and forth.

"I'm sorry, just calm down okay? Stay calm, don't worry about anything, I'll pick up some pregnancy tests for you." I nod and rest my head against the headboard of the bed. "I'm going to tell Dean-."

"No. Please don't! Don't tell him. I-It might be just a false alarm and I don't want to hype him up for nothing." That was a total lie. If Dean found out I was pregnant, he'd leave me for sure and would see me as a freak. "Seth I don't know if that's a good idea." She warns softly.

"Please Brie. j-just try to keep him busy so he won't come home to me taking a pregnancy test." I beg, running a hand through my hair.

She takes a moment to herself and I watch as she stands up and sighs. "Alright, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Stay put until then okay?."

"Okay, Thank you so much." She smiles softly, a gesture that I return. "No worries Seth, I'll see you soon. Bye." "Bye."

And to say that I was nervous was an understatement.


There will be a part two coming out soon!

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