(Seven: Insane)

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Third person pov.

"Just yell out if he tries anything."

The security guard warns. Dean immediately perks up in his seat and stares as his new therapist, Seth, enters his room. Well, more like, cell. Although it was cleaner than the other's that held hundreds of other prisoners you could still give a small glance and immediately know it's a cell.

The brown eyed young man walks towards the table in which he sat at, that was awkwardly stabilised in the middle of the room. Seth staying quiet as he sits down in the seat opposite to him, the security guard closes the cell. Seth plays with his fingers letting the intimidation vibes coming from the man in front of him get to his brain and they both sit in silence.

When he finally found the courage to say something he made the mistake of looking up to stare directly into the other's electrifying blue eyes, his breath hitching in his throat. He gulps and looks around the room, looking at anything other than him.

"My name is, Seth Rollins, uh..." This was weird for Seth to say the least. Never in his entire career had he felt this intimidated by someone. He mentally face palms himself for getting caught off-guard and not introducing himself as proudly as usual.

"Dean." Seth's heart skips a beat, finding his voice somewhat soothing?

Even though it was deep and hoarse like he had a cold or something. He nods and fixes his posture, setting both arms on the table. "I figure someone's told you that I'm your new therapist?." Seth questions. "Kernel said you were my caretaker now, since I had almost drove my last therapist to suicide." Seth's eyes widened and his jaw dropped for a split second before trying to cover up his expression.

What the fuck has my uncle gotten me into?.

Sure Seth was a part-time therapist and a part-time officer, but he had never worked in an insane asylum before. Nor had he worked with a patient who was most likely dangerous to themselves.

"Kernel's family to you ain't he?." Dean asks bringing Seth out of his daze. "u-uhm yeah?..how did you know that?." Seth's hair on his arms were standing tall a sign that he was literally scared shitless.

Dean scoffed with a small grin. "Don't think I'm some sort of physcopath or anything alright? I'm as normal as you can get around here...you have the same nose as him by the way."

He answers in which Seth took a little offence by. My nose is not that big. Is it?. "Oh."

They sit in another moment of silence, Seth trying his best not to look at Dean, while on the other hand, Dean was piercing right through Seth's soul. Be a man Seth, Jesus Christ. "So, um...part of my job is to get to know you in order for me to..help you. How about you tell me some things about yourself?." Seth suggests, checking his watch. Five more minutes. Dean hesitates for a moment but ends up closing his mouth.

"You first..." Though he sounded stupid Seth understood where he was coming from. "Alright then." Seth takes a moment to himself and thinks.

"I'm a nineteen year old therapist, part-time officer, born and raised in Buffalo, Iowa. My birthday is on the twenty-eighth of May and friends nickname me dork." Seth shrugs, continuing. "I moved to Los Angeles two weeks after my eighteenth birthday to pursue further in what I do best. My only family I have around here is Uncle Kernel and his wife. I've travelled to many different states within the u.s and...I'm single. Yeah...anyways your turn." Seth curses at himself for mentioning his current love status to a stranger who never asked and bites his lip.

"Okay." Dean starts. "I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with my best friend Roman after..complications happened within my home. I was captain of the football team in high school, had straight A's, showed up to school everyday even after long nights of parties. I even had a boyfriend." Dean's slight grin falters.

"He was perfect. Treated me like how I wanted to be treated, was loyal, carried so much beauty that I completely fell head over heels for him, well, that was until he cheated on me with a close friend. Want to hear a story?." Seth slowly nodded, now taking notes in his head.

"My father never knew about him and was so fucking religious that I had to cover who I was really was in front of him. One night I had invited my boyfriend over and everything was running smoothly, all we were doing was watching films in my room. My father suddenly barges into my room and once he noticed him, I knew then and there I was done for. Betrayal. Betrayal was all I could see in his eyes. He kicked him out and threatened me in so many ways I could already imagine it happening to me in the moment. I had stayed up all night staring at nothing but my wall until my timer was up, I was like a ticking bomb."

"I showed up the next day at school feeling angry and confused with myself that as soon as I saw him in the hallways, I killed him." Seth gulped silently but continued to listen. "I killed him with my bare hands, all my anger ushering out on him until he was no longer breathing. No one tried to stop me. So when the principal was called to the scene I fled the school, running back home even though my legs were burning from the inside. And guess what? I killed everyone in my home. My father, I killed with a vase to the head. My mother, with a stab to the chest and my cousin who we fostered with multiple kicks and punches to the abdomen. Roman-."

The cell lock is suddenly being fumbled with which brings the both of us out of our conversation.

"Alright session is over, Ambrose stay seated."

So Ambrose is his last name. I stand up and push my chair in, giving him quite a forced smile. "I-I'll be back tomorrow same time same place for our next session." He raises his brow but nods. I walk out of his cell and make my way back to the front desk with a long sigh.

What the fuck just happened.


In no way, shape, or form, do I think Dean would do any of the abuse mentioned in this chapter! Remember this is just fiction! I go strongly against abuse and would never wish this upon anyone!

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