(Eleven: Club)

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Third person pov.

With the quiet 'click' of the front door lock, Seth quickly sprints off of the front patio and onto his lawn mumbling a few words of prayers as he knew, sneaking out of the house at eleven pm was not permitted within his parent's strict knowledge.

Dean sat inside his Audi that was quietly roaring alongside the footpath in front of the Rollin's residence, waiting ever so patiently for his cute boyfriend. Seth squeaked as he opened the passenger side door and shut it as soon as he plopped down onto the leather seat.

"If my parents find out I'm not in my room I'm dead meat!." He mumbled in a hushed tone, as if his parents had supersonic hearing. Dean cockily grinned and rolled down Seth's window while driving forwards slowly in a teasing manner. "Hey Mr and Mrs. Rollins! I've booked Seth for the night if you don't mind!." Dean shouted.

Seth's eyes widened and he slapped his hand over Dean's mouth while pushing him back onto his bottom.

"Stop! You're going to get me killed!." He whined,

Dean chuckled and kissed the side of Seth's head, gripping onto the steering wheel with both of his hands.

Within a few minutes, Dean had come to a hault and Seth perked up in his seat seeing that they were parked in a dark alleyway. "What the?." He whispered looking over at Dean with a questionable look.

"Follow me." Oh I sure as hell ain't gonna leave your side. They both got out of the car and Seth rather skipped over to Dean who had already started his way down and tightly held onto his arm. "Baby, you're kinda hurting me." Dean said, Seth rolled his eyes keeping his act up.

"Well if you didn't park in such a dark place then maybe I wouldn't be at an all-time high." Dean just shook his head and kept walking until he took a turn to the left.

Finally, some light. There was a long line of people in front of them and Seth had now just realized that his boyfriend had brought him to a nightclub.

"Oh I'm going to hell." Dean looked down at his much shorter pair.

"It's okay, we'll go together." He said so neutrally, taking Seth's hand in his and kissing the back of his hand, keeping their fingers intertwined. Are you serious?.

Seth didn't want to wait outside for an hour just to get inside a building which was most likely swarmed with drunk and horny teenagers, heck, he shouldn't even be here. Instead of stopping at the back, Dean kept going, walking past the many people in line until cutting in at the front. "Hey big dog." Dean started, greeting a buff and tall security man.

"Oh Ambrose! man, It's been a while since I've seen you."

Seth could only watch as the stranger fist-bumped Dean. "It has..this is Seth by the way." Seth stopped hiding behind Dean and smiled nervously.


"Hey I'm Roman! Dean's talked about you a lot." Dean hissed, his cheeks burning a bright pink, slapping Roman's chest. "Oh. Well I hope they were good things." Seth giggled.

"Dude, you can never keep your mouth shut." Dean groaned, bringing his hand up to his messy blonde locks. Roman chuckled and moved aside. "Have fun guys."

They thanked Roman and walked inside, Seth could definitely hear the music bumping from inside and just as Seth had suspected there were half-naked women dancing with men on one side of the dance floor which was set in the middle of the club.

"Shit." Seth cursed, examining the area.

From the front door you could see the many tables that were set upstairs, where the much more tamed and calm people sat, who were looking for a night out. Then you had people dancing downstairs around the whole floor, most likely people who were looking for a one-night stand. Seth felt quite intimidated with the whole vibe that reeked within the building and looked up at Dean.

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