(Eighteen: Valentine)

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Third person pov.

'Don't forget to say I love you to your one and only!'

"Ugh, the couples around here are too cheesy it hurts my brain," Roman commented as him and his best friend walked past the big pink banner that was displayed at the front entrance of their university.

"You're just salty cause you don't have a valentine," Dean hummed, folding his arms across his chest.

Normally, Roman would've had a comeback by now but, nothing seemed to come to mind because Dean was in fact right.

"Anyway, if you want someone you could always try the bachelor. You should just reach their standards," Dean chuckled.

"Just?!," Roman gasped. "I feel fucking insulted,"

No more words were exchanged because the many posters that some students in the school had made about Valentine's Day were very interesting. There was one with the phrase 'I love you' in different languages and another with a well known school couple holding a lovey dovey couple pose.

If only Seth was here to celebrate the occasion.

While Seth was off touring around the world, meeting fans and being on tv every Monday night, Dean was in university living up to his degree in dance, sharing a home in the hills with his best friend and watching his boyfriend entertain the world with his impressive acts.

Today would be their one year anniversary. Just over a year ago they had met..well quiet literally bumped into each other at the gym and managed to play things off from there.

But Dean knew Seth would call him tonight, just like every other night, and tell him so many amazing things about his day. That would make him feel much better.

"Imma be pissed if I don't get a box of chocolate from anyone today...also thanks for shouting us breakfast. I love you little bro," Roman mentioned just as they reached their lockers. "I love you too man,"

"What's your first class again?," Dean sighed and placed a hand on his hip while he looked at Roman with disappointment.

"Do you ever pay attention?," He asks.

"Well..no not really,"

While shaking his head he unlocked his padlock and opened his locker door. "Physical education and health. There's also this new guy in my class and he's lowkey kinda annoy-,"

He stops mid sentence and furrows his brows. He looks at Roman who still had his head in his locker and bends down to pick up a single rose that had a small card attached to it.

'I love you, xx'

"Hey Ro?," He asks softly, "Did you get this for me?,"

"Get you what?," Roman says as he zips up his bag and turns to his friend. "Oh hey! It's been a while,"

At this, Dean perks his head up and looks in the direction Roman is looking and smiles widely as his eyes brim with tears.

Seth stands a few feet away from them with a bunch of balloons that are attached to a stuffed bear and a velvet box of chocolate. "Surprise," He mouths.

Dean runs as fast as he can towards Seth and jumps into his arms, by now every student in the hallway stopped to witness the moment with a series of claps and cheers.

Not being able to hold it in much longer, Dean quietly sobs into Seth's neck in which the other calms him down by rubbing his back. "I didn't mean for you to cry!," Seth yelps.

Dean smiled despite being overwhelmed and begins to sniffle, wiping his tears away. "I know you love stuffed animals and caramel filled chocolate, the balloons are just here to make it look pretty,"

Seth handed them over into Dean's arms and watched as the younger's eyes lit up at the gifts he had received. "But you were nine hours away last night?!,"

"I think the bags under my eyes can clear up your confusion," He laughed, wiping my cheeks dry.

Dean looked up at him with tears eyes and whispered ever so lightly under his breath.

"God I love you so much,"

After school that day, Dean and Seth spent the rest of the evening doing fun couple things, enjoying the time they had with each other.


Soooo...a bitch is going to la next year! Kinda scared but kinda excited.

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