6~I'm getting good at this

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"Mornin' class" Derek told his students as he arrived late to his classroom, he quickly scribbled today's subject down on the black board and then wiped all the dust off his hands and turned to look at his students and smiled "Romeo and Juliet" Derek announced as loads of groans erupted from the students "Hey, its a great story"

"About two lovers falling in love to just then die at the end" Brooke; one of the girls at the front desks said

"But it's why they were willing to die is what I want to concentrate on once we read the book" Derek said coming round to the front of his desk and sitting down on it

With a few 'Fine's' and 'Go ahead's' later Derek was able to start reading and had gotten through 20 pages before the bell for next lesson rang.

"Okay" Derek spoke standing up along with his students "By Wednesday I want you to write an essay about what you think so far" they began walking out before Derek spoke up "Plus on why I was correct that it's an amazing book, and that all of you were wrong"

"Are you kidding I hated Romeo and Juliet when I was in school" Stiles said scoffing

Stiles had just gotten home from his shift at the station and the first thing he was asked was "How do you feel about Romeo and Juliet?" from Derek; his husband of 3 years

"Why?? It's great" Derek exclaimed putting his hands on his hips

"Really explain why then" Stiles said hanging up his jacket on the coat hanger

"Well.....it's about two people" Derek began "Who have a forbidden love, and....um they uh-" he scratched the back of his head trying to think of the reasons of why it's such an amazing story

"Well that's gonna convince someone it's worth a read" Stiles smiled at his husband and he sat down on the sofa

"It's about love" Derek said as he came over to sit by his husband "And they fight against everything, and everyone cause they know what they have, what they feel is real, and nothing can take that away from them. And in the end they realise they can't live without each other, because life without one another is not a life worth life living" Derek blurted out of nowhere

"Wow" Stiles said, a little dazed from his husbands words "Still hasn't convinced me to read it again though, nice try though babe" he said kissing Derek's forehead and going to the kitchen to make dinner

"Are you sure I can't do anything to convince you otherwise?" Derek said in a seductive voice

"Mmh" Stiles hummed when Derek came up behind him, pressing his chest into his back and placing his hands on Stiles' hips, Derek trailed over his neck leaving some warm kisses "What are you doin'?" came out of Stiles' mouth, slightly slurred

"Bedroom" was all Derek answered with as the palm of his hand came in contact with a part of Stiles' skin where his shirt had risen

"Dinner" Stiles said as he leaned his head to the side for Derek to have more access to his neck, Derek slid he hands up Stiles' side making his shirt lift even higher "It can wait" he said as he spun around and connected his lips with Derek's, bringing his lips closer to his by pulling him down with his hand on his neck.

Derek started stepping backwards bringing Stiles along with him until they arrived at their room, Derek kicked the door closed and edged them closer towards the bed, all whilst having their lips connected. Stiles felt his legs hit the bottom of the bed as Derek pressed him up to it, he reached his hands down to feel out where it was not separating their lips as they crawled to the front of the bed. As Stiles' head hit the pillow Derek wasted no time by taking off Stiles' shirt, throwing it to the other side of the room, he came back down re-connecting their lips once again, missing the feeling after just a slight second apart. They both kicked off their shoes, hearing them when they hit the floor. Stiles brought his hand to Derek's chest and unbuttoned his shirt, sliding his hands over Derek's shoulders and down his arms as his shirt was removed.

Soon both their pants were gone and all that was was left was their underwear, but that was soon fixed by Derek's urge to want to be closer to the man underneath him. Derek detached his lips from Stiles' as he reached out to his bedside table and got out a tube, quickly unscrewing it and pouring it's contents into his palm and layering it onto his manhood. Stiles knocked his and out of the way when he realised what his husband was doing.

"Let me" Stiles said as he flipped Derek onto his back and climbed on top of him, Derek let out wavy breath as Stiles slid his hand up and down Derek's. Stiles brought his lips down to the side of Derek's neck leaving a slight mark that wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon.

"Stiles!!" Was the first thing Stiles heard that morning as he was making pancakes when his husband walked into the kitchen in just his underwear holding onto the side of his neck

"Yesss" Stiles snickered knowing where this was heading and slightly looking forward towards it

"Look what you gave me!!" Derek exclaimed as he removed his hand from his neck, revealing a large hickey that Stiles gave last night, Stiles tried holding in his smile, failing to be as serious as his husband was being at the moment "What if my students see this?"

"I think you should prepare what you're gonna say" Stiles said as he stepped towards his husband, holding his chin and moving it to the side to get a better look at his art "Man I'm getting good at this" he said referring to the large circular mark on Derek's neck

"No your not" Derek said as he sat to eat his breakfast


"O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night-" Derek was cut off by snickering, he looked up to see his students all smiling "Is there anything to be shared with the class?" he asked setting the book down on his desk

"There's nothing to share if everyone has seen" one of his students said, Derek's face went red the more he tried to hide it, he coughed and looked back down at the book

"This is gonna be a long day" he mumbled under his breath, after making a mental note to kill his husband when he gets home
Published~April 20, 2019

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