20~Bag Someone That Hot

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Derek had just gotten to school and was heading to his locker when his name was called.

"Derek" he turned around to see the principal with some guy beside him; around the same age as Derek.

"Sir?" Derek said slightly confused with why he called him.

"This is Jackson" the principle introduced the guy "It's his first day and I want you to show him around, is that okay?"

"Uh...yeah, that's fine" Derek replied, sure he could have spent the time before class doing more exciting things, but I guess the school doesn't like him very much, the principle gave his thanks before walking off towards his office "Hey" Derek said trying to be kind.

"Hi" Jackson replied slightly shy.

"There's nothing to worry about, this school is very....welcoming" Derek said trying to think of a word.

"I hope, I didn't have the best experience in my last school" Jackson said trying to put on a smile.

"What happened?"

"Let's just say, not all people are open about certain people" Jackson said cryptically.
It was now 3rd period and Derek along with Jackson had a free lesson and left to sit outside. They had both gotten to know each other quite well in the last 2 hours, and Jackson was a little more open than when he came across the first time, and to be honest, his jerk side came out slightly.

Derek pushed the doors open leading them to the front of the school when Lydia met up with them.

"Derek!?" she exclaimed.

"Lydia, hey" Derek said turning around to her.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" she asked.

"Haven't seen them all day, I've been calling Stiles but he ain't answering, and a part of me is a bit on edge" Derek said trying to be as discrete as possible, he can't go out and blurt that his wolf is howling on the inside for his mate.

"Look, they've probably gone to the preserve or something, you know how Scott and Stiles are, he's okay" Lydia reassured him, Derek took a breath and nodded, Lydia looked at Jackson, not noticing him until now "I'm sorry, that must have sounded so rude, I'm Lydia" she gave him a sweet smile.

"Jackson" he returned the smile, as Lydia was about to reply the infamous blue jeep rolled into the car park, which instantly plastered a smile on Derek's face. He looked over to see Stiles jumping out his jeep, he was wearing his maroon jeans, with a blue top, with a jumper thrown over it. "Holy shit, look at that guy" Jackson said as he saw Stiles, Derek growled as he heard this which Jackson found incredibly odd, Lydia held Derek's bicep to calm him.

"You shouldn't talk about Derek's boyfriend like that" Lydia said trying to help Jackson.

"Nah, man" Jackson chuckled not believing it "There's no way you could bag someone that hot" this did not make Derek's wolf very happy.

"Screw you, Jackson" Derek grunted as he walked towards his boyfriend, trying to ignore the guy.

"Oh come on, I was only joking" yelled Jackson after him "Sort of"

"Who's that?" Stiles asked directing to Jackson, a kiss to the lips is the answer Stiles got to that question "Mhm" he hummed into his boyfriends lips.

"Where were you?" Derek asked pulling back.

"Solving a case" Stiles stated simply.

"Of course you were" Derek smiled at his boyfriend.
"Why did you pick me?" Derek asked out of the blue that night at Derek's house, it was a Friday night and it was 11:50 and they were currently laying in each others arms when Derek asked this.

"What?" Stiles sat up to look down at his boyfriends face.

"Out of everyone in the school, you picked me" Derek said, and before Stiles got to speak Derek began again "I mean, you had Lydia, Malia, all these other girls who were up to be with you, but you chose me, why?"

"Cause I like dudes" Stiles joked, then he saw how serious Derek was being "What happened today to make you think all this?" he asked concerned.

"It's just something someone said, now can you just answer the question?"

"There shouldn't be a reason for why I am with you, and I never chose you, you never choose love Derek, it just comes into your life and it chooses for you. And who cares about that person, all I know is that I love you, and we are meant to be, no matter what other people have got to say about us, I am with you for as long as I can, I want to be with you for the rest of my life Derek Hale, so if you're wondering why I 'chose'" he said putting finger quotes on the word "you, it's because we are meant to be, and there's no one in this world who I love more than you. And you have shown me how much you care about me, with your cute protective grumpiness, and your stupid late night window scares that I have come to love, I love you so much Sourwolf"

"I love you too" Derek said, a few tears making their way down his cheek as he surged forward capturing Stiles' lips.
Published~ June 29, 2020

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