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Stiles woke up that morning in an unfamiliar room, he sat up in bed and realised it wasn't his. He looked under the covers and saw that he was only wearing his boxers, he scanned the room he was in and came to a conclusion that it's not as creepy as it could be.

He heard a noise coming from outside the room, at least whoever he was with last night didn't just abandon him here.

He threw the covers off of him and put on his jeans that were tossed onto the floor, he was in the middle of zipping it up when a man walked in.

"Hey" he said awkwardly crossing his arms over his chest leaning against the doorframe, Stiles looked up at him and instantly understood why he decided to let the man bring him home. He's 100% the most attractive guy he has ever met in his entire life.

"Hi" Stiles said looking around the room for his shirt whilst scratching the back of his head uncomfortably.

"I um...I think you're looking for this" the man said crossing the room picking up a white shirt and held it out for Stiles.

"Thanks" Stiles went to grab it from him but the man held a firm grip on it.

"What's my name?" The man asked.

"What?" Stiles asked swallowing a block in his throat.

"I said, what's. My. Name?" He asked again taking a step towards Stiles and scrunched the shirt in his hand to pull him closer.

"I uh...I know...it's um-"

"Samuel" The man said.

"Of course, I remember now, you told me last night" Stiles smiled.

"Did I now?" Stiles nodded his head unsure "Cause I'm pretty sure my names Derek" the guy smiled, Stiles looked anywhere other than at Derek embarrassed of what just happened.

"I'm sorry okay, I was pretty wasted last night, and..." Stiles stopped talking when a thought popped into his head "Oh my god you dick" he exclaimed pushing against Derek's chest.

"What was that for?" Derek looked offended holding a hand to his chest where Stiles hit him.

"I was not in control of my actions, and you brought me back to your place" Stiles accused "Is that what you did?" He asked, a hurt look on his face.

"What?!" Derek exclaimed, shocked that he could even think that "I was walking down the street when I saw you stumbling out of a club, I stopped and asked if you were alright but you just passed out"

"So you brought me home and you undressed me then" Stiles pointed an accusing finger at Derek.

"Don't put the blame on me, you did that yourself and when I said no to your offer you called me a sourwolf, whatever that means" Derek mumbled the last part.

"So you didn't have sex with me?"

"God no Stiles, I wouldn't take advantage of someone who wasn't in the right mindset" Derek pointed out, Stiles looked down at the floor and squeezed the bridge of his nose "Are you okay?"

"Yeah it's just...my life has been nothing but a rollercoaster the last couple months" Stiles said looking up at Derek.

"Oh um here" Derek handed over Stiles shirt, he probably felt a little exposed.

"Thanks" he put on his shirt then looked back up at Derek "For what you did, there's no telling where I would have ended up last night if you didn't run into me"

"Technically you fell into my arms, and I had to carry you like sleeping beauty back to my car, but whatever you say" Derek smirked.

"A joker, wow" Stiles chuckled.

"How about we start all over again" Derek suggested, which was probably a good idea "Hi my names Derek Hale" he introduced himself holding a hand to his chest indicating himself.

"Hi I'm Stiles Stilinski" He said holding his hand out for Derek to shake, it had been a few seconds and they still hadn't let go.

"So was there a reason you were in a gay club at 2am?" Derek asked.

"Is there a reason you were passing a gay club a 2am?" Stiles asked back.

"I was looking for my sleeping beauty" Derek joked, Stiles closed his eyes trying desperately to come up with a comeback without laughing.

"Well did you find them?" Stiles asked when he couldn't come up with anything better to say.

"Eh...you could say that" Derek smiled taking a step forward, Stiles went to step closer when a phone began ringing, Derek grunted and reaches his hand to his back pocket and answered the phone "What do you want Laura?" He exclaimed "Look I'm sorry I was a little occupied, yes I know, Okay fine I'll be there soon"

"Laura?" Stiles asked as Derek hung up.

"Yeah, my older sister, I was supposed to go to my parents like an hour ago for this thing we do every Saturday" Derek explained.

"I'll uh...I'll just just get...damnit" Stiles said as he remembered that he threw his phone at the wall last night and left without it, so now he couldn't call anyone to pick him up.

"Do you want a lift home?" Derek asked reading Stiles' mind.

"You know what...I'd appreciate that, as long as you're not late to your family thing" Stiles said.

"Na it's fine, I'm already an hour late, what's another hour right"
"You're gonna be longer than an hour" Stiles pointed out as Derek threw Stiles against the wall once they reached Stiles' apartment.

"I don't care" Derek said kissing Stiles' neck, he moved back up to his lips and pulled him in closer, Stiles slipped off Derek's shirt and he did the same to him leaving them both with just their pants, they pulled apart quickly to get them off, like the world was about to end if they didn't do it quick enough.

Stiles planted his lips back onto Derek and pushed him against the door to his bedroom, Derek went to turn Stiles around to be against the door when Stiles opened it and forced Derek back up against the wall. He pulled Stiles in closer and proceeded to kiss him with all the energy he had, and pushed him back till Stiles' legs came in contact with the bed, resulting in him falling back onto it.

Derek crawled on top of Stiles and pinned his arms above his head, Derek kissed his lips and made his way down to his neck, collar bone, and down his chest, and thighs making Stiles moan.

Stiles reached down and held onto Derek's sides and brought him back up to his lips, they flipped over and Stiles kissed over Derek's shoulder blades as Derek breathed heavily into the sheets.
"Hey" Stiles said sweetly when he woke up for the second time that day.

"Hi" Derek replied sitting on the edge of the bed, giving a soft kiss to Stiles' shoulder.

"You going now?" Stiles asked sitting up to face Derek.

"Yeah, I've got a thousand missed calls from a very pissed of Laura" Derek chuckled rubbing Stiles' thighs gently.

"Okay" Stiles smiled "I'll see you later?"

"Definitely" he kissed Stiles' lips for a while before he pulled back and slipped on his shoes "I'll see you in 3 hours"

"You sure you can stay away from me that long" Stiles said putting his hand into Derek's back pocket to pull him back onto the bed.

"Mhm" Derek hummed into the kiss "Don't tempt me" he said jabbing Stiles' chest gently.

"Fine, see you later" Stiles said.

"Stop pouting" Derek joked "Bye baby" he said kissing Stiles' temple before exiting the room.

"Baby?? I gotta get used to that" Stiles said as he watched the man walk out of his room. Oh yeah he could definitely get used to this.
Published~July 1, 2019

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