7~Always Had You

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Stiles woke up that morning to the sun shining through the small space in the curtains, he groaned and turned his body to be met with none other than his beautiful husband of 2 years.

Stiles smiled as he took in the sight in front of him, usually Derek wakes up early to go on his morning run, and by the time he gets back and showers they only have around 20 minutes together before Derek would have to go to work.

Derek was lying on his stomach with his head smooshed against the pillow, but not completely that Stiles couldn't see his adorable smile whilst he sleeps.

Stiles props himself up on his elbow, and rests his hand on his palm and just took in the sight. How the light from outside glistened over Derek's back, over his tattoo. Stiles was always fascinated by that permanent mark on his husbands back, and whenever it was just him he'd enjoy thinking all the different possibilities of what each spiral could mean.

Derek says that he see's it as 'Alpha, Beta, Omega', and that's one of the reasons why he fell for the man in the first place. Derek at one point in his life had been all of these, but it took strength to be able to pick yourself up, and that's what Derek had done.

Stiles' eyes lit up and he smiled to himself as he remembered back to the first time they got together.

It was 6 years ago now, and Stiles had just turned 18 the day prior, and neither Stiles or Derek could stay away from each any longer.

"Stiles are you sure you want this, you can say no" Derek pulled back from Stiles' lips for the tenth time, still not sure if Stiles truly wanted this

"I want you" Stiles smiled, bringing Derek back to his lips by pulling him in by the back of his neck
"Do you ever think about it?" they were both curled up in Derek's bed in his loft, and Stiles was currently tracing his fingers down Derek's back, and over his tattoo

"About what?" Derek kept still as he enjoyed the feeling of Stiles' fingers gently stroking his back

"That you've been all three"

"All three?" Derek asked, not entirely sure what the boy was talking about

"You know you've been a Beta, then an Alpha, and well you know...." Stiles left his sentence hanging, hoping Derek will catch on to what he's saying without him having to actually say it

"An Omega" Derek finished his sentence, Stiles stopped tracing Derek's back, and sat up against the headboard

"Yeah" Stiles said quietly, if Derek didn't have super hearing he wouldn't have heard it, Derek sat up too at this point taking Stiles' hands in his his, Stiles continued to look down, until Derek lifted his chin with one of his fingers and kept it there as he leaned forward and left a soft and gentle kiss

"You don't not have to have pack to be an Omega Stiles" Derek pointed out as he looked Stiles in the eyes, when Stiles kept quiet he continued "I've never been an Omega because I've always had you beside me, doesn't matter if weren't together or not, I still felt that connection to you that is a lot stronger than a pack bond" Stiles gave an unsure smile

"How do you know you want to have that bond with me?" Stiles asked

"Because there's no one in this world that I feel closer to than you, you're the reason that I wake up every morning Stiles, the reason why I get dressed and try to make myself presentable, because there's nothing more I would fight for than to be able to hold you each morning, hold your hand whenever I'm feeling unsure, I just wanna be near you Stiles" Derek poured his heart out, he took a small breath before being able to say his next point "So if you're wondering, the reason I've never been an Omega is because I'm in love with this adorable, hyperactive spaz, and I'm hoping not to be the only one" for the first time that morning Stiles' smiled, and it seemed genuine. Stiles wasted no time pulling Derek closer to him and planted a passionate, and loving kiss on his lips, after what felt forever Stiles pulled back and rested his forehead against Derek's.

"I love you too"

Stiles smiled as he remembered back to that moment, he came back to reality tracing his fingers down Derek's back, just like that day 6 years ago when Derek hummed.

"Morning" Stiles said gently kissing Derek's shoulder, Derek turned his head to look at his husband and smiled, he's gotten to know all the looks that his husband pulls for different occasions

"What are you thinking about?" Derek hummed turning on his side to get a better look at Stiles

"When you said that you love me for the first time, remember?" Stiles asked

"How could I forget, it was the happiest day of my life, excluding the day you said 'Yes' to marrying me of course" Derek ran his palm down Stiles' side and over his hips, until he reached his thighs

"I couldn't agree more" Stiles smiled brightly as Derek slowly got on top of Stiles "I could get used to this"
Published~May 11, 2019

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