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"What in the hell happened?" Stiles yelled as he slammed the door open as he entered the room where his team was currently sitting.

My names Stiles Stilinski, I'm 26 years old, and I work for a top secret government agency called ABO. We get assigned groups, and there are 5 levels of skill, I'm a 5, the only 5.

It hasn't always been like this, it first began when I was 10, and that's when I began to realise some changes. It first started with a cough, then it led to a high temperature, and from then on it was all downhill, and then they turned, no longer human, I know this as it's happened to my parents, and I'm the one who had to put them down. We now refer to them as The Unknowns.

"Someone's outside the gate sir" the security head; Jackson informed Stiles as he zoomed in on the screen to show him.

"Do we have a face recognition on this man?" Stiles asked as he tried to look at the mans hidden face.

"No sir we do not"

"Then he stays out" Stiles said bluntly as he began to back away from the room.

"But sir-"

"It's not safe to let Unknown's into the building" Stiles said, like he's had to remind everyone many times in the past.

"Sir he's got a kid with him" Stiles turned around at that to look at the screen closer.

"Can you get a closer look" Stiles crosses his arms over his chest.

"I'm not sure, I can try but it won't be the best" Jackson said as he swipped the screen and turned the camera slightly "There, that's the best I can do" Stiles looked at the screen intensely and a look of shock overcame him as he backed up "Sir, what is it?"

"When I say open the gates, you open them" Stiles ordered him to do exactly as he said.

"Sir there are a herd of unknowns a few miles away, the siren will attract them this way"

"I don't care" Stiles yelled, getting the attention of the rest of the security in the room "If I tell you to do something, you do it" Stiles picked up the walkie-talkie from the glass cabinet and gave the second one to Jackson "Do not take your attention off of that, you hear me" it was more of a order than a question, and Stiles had ran out of the room before Jackson could answer.

Stiles ran through the dimly lit metal hall, and put in a combination to a large door.

"Come on, come on" Stiles punched the glass when it wasn't opening fast enough, he didn't wait for the door to fully slide open before he slid through and ran down the 3 flights of stairs as fast as he could. Once he was down he kicked open another door which lead him to the outside world, he ran down the remaining stairs before his feet came in contact with the concrete.

"Jackson" Stiles said as he talked through his talkie "Is he still there?" He asked out of breath as he ran as fast as he could to the gates.

"Yes sir, some unknowns have approached and he is trying to fight em off, I don't think he's gonna last much longer sir" Jackson answered back, putting it away he concentrated on reaching the gates ahead, he felt like he'd been running for years, but he knew it was only mere minutes, but he knew it was worth it when he saw the man behind the gates holding a small child in his arms trying to kick away a few unknowns.

"I never though in a million years I would see you again" Stiles said as he reached the gate, the man turned to look at him and gave a smile, probably not the best idea since more unknowns were on the way, Stiles broke away from the stare before it went on any longer "Jackson listen, you're gonna open it okay, just for a few seconds so he can squeeze through, hopefully the siren won't go on for long"

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