15~New Kid

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"Dude" Stiles ran up to Scott on that day in school "Scott, have you seen the new kid?"

"Yeah" Scott replied with a smile on his face, recognising where the excitement Stiles has is coming from, he used to react the same way with Lydia Martin "I met his mom when they moved here"

"Fuck he's cute" Stiles said looking off into the distance, Scott followed where his eyes were focused on and smirked when it led him to Derek himself.

"Stiles..." Scott tried to warm him when he saw the look Derek had on his face.

"Do you think he likes boys?" he asked with a desperation to his voice "God I hope he likes boys" there's no helping him now Scott thought "Woah...wait what? Why did you meet his mom?" He turned around quicker than he'd ever done before, with a look uncertainty on his face.

"Because she's an alpha" Scott stated "Since I'm technically an omega she asked me to join her pack"

Stiles turned back around to look at the boy he'd been talking about and went red with embarrassment.

"Which means he can literally hear everything I'm saying..." Stiles could spot the smirk on Derek's face from across the car park and got even more embarrassed, the reality of Derek just hearing what he had said sinking in.

"Oh yeah he definitely heard you" Scott chuckled, finding the whole situation hilarious.

"God dammit Scott! I'm gonna die, fuck I'm gonna die, and it's all your fault" Stiles pointed an accusing finger at his best friend.

"Not my fault you don't have a filter" which is 100% the truth, and everyone who knew Stiles would agree with him "Besides I tried warning you, you didn't let me"

Stiles scoffed and turned back around to look at Derek who was now walking in their direction, and it didn't seem like he was stopping.

"Scott...what's happening? What do I do?" He turned around to his friend but he had gone, he spotted him going up the stairs and waved at him slyly. And gave him a thumbs up with a smirk clear as day on his face.

"Stiles" he heard his name being said, he turned around to see that Derek was right there "You're Stiles right?"

"Yeah I'm Sti...Stiles...yes, hi" Stiles gave him an awkward wave, which he soon regretted but seemed to get a laugh out of Derek.

"You're cute" Derek said pointing his finger at Stiles which made him stand there for a few seconds speechless.

"Huh...?" Was the only thing Stiles was able to mutter after trying to contain himself, well done Stiles.

"I'm Derek...but I'm guessing you knew that already by how you spoke about me a minute ago" Derek introduced himself regardless if Stiles knew his name or not. He held his hand out for Stiles to shake which he shockingly was able to do without falling to the ground like a pile of goop.

"You...uh heard that huh?" Stiles asked scratching the back of his neck, nerves surging through him.

"It's pretty impossible to not here people talking about me when I have certain qualities..." Derek trailed off, leaving Stiles to fill the dots.

"Damn are all werewolf's as hot as you, I mean wow" Stiles said taking in the sight in front of him.

"I guess you could ask around and see" Derek replied with a smile.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" Stiles dragged a hand over his face, wanting to erase himself from existence right now.

"You sure did, I guess what Scott said was true; you don't have a filter" Derek joked which got Stiles to chuckle lightly "You laugh is adorable" a shiver went through Stiles' body when Derek said that.

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