14~Always And Forever

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"So who's this guy we're supposed to be saving again?" Kira asked as they all got out the jeep.

"His name's Derek" Stiles repeated for the fourth time that day "We met last year, and made a promise to help one another if one of us gets in trouble"

"And you think he's here?" Malia asked directing to the fallen temple in front of them "An abandoned temple of doom?" She joked, finding herself hilarious.

Stiles only ignored it and kept walking "Don't ask me how I know, I just do"

"Well you've lead me into dangerous places these past few years, I guess adding a temple to that list won't be too bad" Lydia said following Stiles down the rocky hill "Only next time, inform me on where we're going to I can wear appropriate attire" she referred to her short heeled stilettos.

When they reached the bottom some men exited the temple "Get down" he said as they hid behind one of the rocky broken down walls "Stay here" Stiles told them as he took out a gun and held it out.

"Stiles! Since when do you have a gun?"  Lydia exclaimed, but made sure she wasn't too loud to be heard.

"Do you really think I'd have gone three years as a human in the Supernatural world without a weapon" Stiles said but walked away before they could reply.

"I'm really hoping Scott can get this guy out before Stiles gets a chance to use that gun" Malia said as she watched the boy get closer to the men.

"Scott? What about you two? Scott isn't the only Supernatural here" Lydia said pointing out the obvious, unbelievable she thought, just sitting here when they can do something to help.

Before they could even think about it a gunshot went off, and a second one after that. They all looked at each other at the same time and had a look of uncertainty. They all ran forward to see both men on the ground and Stiles above them holding his gun at them.

"Where is he?" Stiles said with a rasp to his voice; he'd shot them but hadn't killed them, he's not a killer.

"Se ha ido niño" the man that Stiles had a gun to the head said.

"Lydia what'd he say?" Lydia scoffed at Stiles question, was she some kind of translator or something "Lydia?!"

"Fine okay...he said that he's long gone or something like that" Lydia replied softly.

"What'd you do with him?" Stiles hit him in the face with the bottom of his gun when he didn't answer.

"Ya no hombre" Stiles understood what that sentence meant but was confused by it.

"What...? No longer man...what's that supposed to mean..." Stiles asked he did not get a reply, only a sly smirk. He gave up and punched him in the face; making him go unconscious.

"Stiles!!" Lydia exclaimed as Stiles began punching the ground real hard yelling "Hey, it's okay" she grabbed his arm so he couldn't injure himself any further.

"There's nothing about this situation that makes it okay, we're in Mexico in a literal temple...and oh yeah Derek could possibly be dead" Stiles yelled getting up off the ground walking off.

"Stiles!!" Stiles heard his best friend yell, he turned around to see Scott carrying a limp body by his side.

"I thought you said we were picking up Derek; a grown man" Malia turned to Stiles "And you specified that we had to get him before he 'got himself killed or slashed up or kicked into oblivion'" she said not seeing this boy as the man that was explained to her.

"Stiles?" The boy finally spoke looking up at the group, but specifically at the boy he had said.

"Oh my god" Stiles said when he saw the boy's face "You...you're..." he made his way over to the boy and when Derek tried to attempt to walk himself he almost fell over, but Stiles was there to catch him.

"You're here" Derek stated with a small smile on his lips.

"We made a promise remember" Stiles said holding Derek face in his hands not believing what was happening.

"Crossing the border was not a part of the promise..." Derek trailed off, his voice becoming weak.

"Derek...I'd travel to the other side of the world if it meant saving you" Stiles said softly, holding Derek up feeling how weak he was.

"Thank you..." was the last thing Derek said before he fell into unconsciousness in Stiles' arms.
Stiles held onto Derek's hand tightly as he was laying unconsciously on the metal table in the animal clinic.

"So who is he?" Scott had refrained himself from asking questions up until now.

"We met when I was in Paris last year, we got pretty close and made a promise to one another that we'd never let the other one get hurt" Stiles explained as he moved a strand of hair the wind had blown into Derek's face.

"Stiles...you were only in Paris for two weeks tops last year" Scott stated what Stiles already knew.

"That's all we needed"

"I guess it truly is the city of love" Lydia said as she watched closely at how the boy acted around Derek "What it's pretty obvious if you ask me, you two practically ran to each other when you saw one another" she said when Stiles looked at her with a look that indicated that he doesn't know what she's on about.

Stiles was about to speak up when his hand was squeezed, he looked down to see that Derek's hand was moving. He jumped up onto his feet to look at his face and saw that he was trying to open his eyes.

"I'm here Derek, you can open your eyes now, you're safe" Stiles said, both his palms now on either side of Derek's face.

"Stiles...?" He woke with a hoarse and weak voice that Stiles hated hearing "You came for me"

"Of course I did, I wasn't looking to break my promise" Derek smiled at that "I could feel your fear, and pain like it was my own, I hated knowing how you felt but couldn't do anything"

"But you saved me" Derek lifted both his arms and caressed up Stiles' arms, reassuring him that he's here, with him safe.

"That's what soulmates do right, I'm never letting you go ever again" Stiles pressed his lips to Derek's forehead and ever so quietly whispered against his soft skin; "Always..."

"And Forever"
Published~August 27, 2019

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