4~Something I Can Get Used To

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"Work you stupid bitch" Derek groaned punching the car causing pain to travel up his hand, the sound of the metal garage door opening letting light it let Derek knew that they know he's here, he ducked down trying desperately to get the car to work, the car finally made a somewhat positive sound. He grabbed his gun and bag and hoped in the car which resulted in him being seen, he pushed down on the gas pedal breaking through a wooden wall, trying to find his way through all the dust he made. He sped past the men's cars and up the bumpy hill, he tried to make it back 'home' quickly so they can pack up and move yet again.

Once he got there he ran straight for the house, which was unusually quiet for once. He got his gun out and held it up, he looked around finding it empty. He cursed to himself and began to panic, he entered a room to see both of his friends; Ali and Simon laying face first on the ground with knife wounds all down their back.

"No, no, no, please don't be gone" he rushed into the adjoined room to find it empty, he rushed over to the make shifted crib to see that there was nothing in there. Derek began to breath heavily and couldn't get it to stop, his head began to spin as he began to think what happened. "Where's my son?"
"Please just leave us alone" Ali begged

"As long as you tell us where he is?" a man said holding a knife to Simon's throat

"Look we don't know who he is okay" Ali cried as the man pushed the knife down harder against Simon's skin

"Where's Derek Hale?" The man yelled as blood began to coat the knife

"I don't know, just stop" she screamed

"Ash, they don't know, now get it over with and let's move" a male from the doorway instructed

"Fine" he said slitting Simon's throat

"NOOOOOO" Ali screamed falling limp against her husband "Aghhhhh" she screamed in pain this time as the knife came in contact with her back several times

Stiles was making his way through the woods when he heard painful screams, he hid behind a tree as he saw two males exit a house and drive away. He looked around quickly before running towards the door, kicking it open.

"Help" he heard a raspy voice from a few rooms away, Stiles looked into the room to see blood pooling out a mans throat, and on the woman's back

"Hey, I'm here, you're gonna be okay" Stiles tried to comfort her, holding onto her hand

"No, help Lucas" she said pointing to a bookcase in the corner of the room "His father; Derek Hale" she said with her last breath, her hand went limp in his. He let her go and ran over to the bookcase, he could see a small opening behind it so he pushed it to reveal another room.

"Lucas" Stiles said in a soothing voice, making sure not to scare the boy. Stiles heard some gurgling from the corner, he turned to see something that looked like a poor excuse for a crib.

"Oh boy" he muttered as he saw that Lucas was in fact a baby, he picked him up and held him far away from him as humanly possible. "How in the hell did you not draw attention to yourself huh?" Stiles slowly brought the baby closer to his chest and held him gently "I've got you, you're okay, I'm here" Stiles heard a car approaching outside which worried him immensely, he opened the window and luckily it wasn't too high so he jumped out.

Stiles looked round the corner to see a man running out of his car and into the house, he looked like he was on some sort of a mission. Since he left the window open he could hear the man inside talking, to who? Stiles had no clue. As Stiles was about to make a run for it the man shouted at him

"You better stop right there, unless you want a bullet in the back of your head" he threatened "Now turn around" once Stiles did a look of relief came across the mans face, but only for a second "Give me my son"

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