5~Pickles and Vanilla Ice Cream

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"Stiles what on earth are you doing?" Derek made his way into the kitchen to see his husband with his head deep in the fridge "Baby, it's 3:02 in the morning and you deciding it's a good idea to have a post midnight snack"

"I'm hungry" Stiles said shutting the fridge door with a tub of vanilla ice cream in his hand, he pulled the cap off and then went back to the fridge this time coming out with a jar of pickles

"Stiles you're being disgusting" Derek confessed, utterly repulsed by the fact his husband had decided on these two food items, over everything they have in their kitchen he goes with the two most disgusting food combos "Stiles you don't even like pickles, come to think of it vanilla ain't your favourite flavour either"

"Like I said I'm hungry, I'll take whatever I can get" Stiles said dipping half of the pickle into the ice cream and then putting it into his mouth casing Derek to gag slightly

"Why couldn't you have waited until morning, I could've made you breakfast in bed" Derek said trying to convince Stiles to put away his food choices and go with Derek's offering

"With extra hash browns?" Stiles crosses his arms considering what his husband has to offer

"With extra hash browns" Derek said

"Okay, but if I wake up tomorrow morning and there's no hash browns" Stiles pointed a finger at Derek

"Don't worry, after last time there's no way I could forget the hash browns" at that Stiles put down his remaining pickle and put everything back into the fridge, he went back over to his pickle and devoured it "Stiles!!"

"What? I can't waste it" Stiles pointed out taking Derek's hand and heading upstairs
Stiles woke up that morning not feeling so well, he covered his mouth as he felt the need to throw up. He jumped out of bed hitting Derek in the face in the proses and ran to the bathroom.

"Ugh, Stiles I'm sorry I forgot to make the breakfast" Derek rolled over hoping to have his husband next to him to cuddle, he opened his eyes to see he wasn't there "Baby??"

Derek got out of bed and saw that the light was on in their bathroom, as he got closer he could hear some gagging noises. He looked in to see that Stiles had his arm rested on the back of the toilet and was throwing up into it.

"I told you pickles and vanilla ice cream were bad together" Derek said kneeling beside his husband and gently rubbing circles into his back

"Ugh, I've never felt so sick in my life" Stiles said falling back against the bath

"Not even when we first met and you ended up hungover at my place the next morning" Derek joked sitting beside his husband wrapping an arm around his back, Stiles leaning against Derek's shoulder

"Not even" Stiles said weakly "Derek?"

"Yeah?" Derek said running his hands through Stiles' hair

"What did I say would happen if I woke up with no hash brown?"
2 weeks

"Stiles maybe you should go see a doctor" Derek suggested as he was kneeling beside Stiles rubbing circles into his back for the 14th morning in a row, it's the same routine every morning. Derek has woken up these past few days to being slapped in the face, his husband falling out of bed, or by a lamp falling as Stiles runs to the bathroom.

"No I'll be fine, I promise" Stiles told him a reassuring smile

"Stiles I've known you for 7 years, I think I know when you're lying" Derek said with a worried look on his face

"Baby, I'm fine okay, as long as I have you, I'll be better than ever" Stiles said

"You know I'd kiss you but you kinda just threw up and..."

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