13~Grief, Pain, and Love

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"Mom, Hi" Stiles answered the phone laughing as he tried to push Derek and Cora away from him as they tried to get him down on the ground.

"Hi baby, you sound like you're having fun" his mom replied chuckling to herself at her sons laughter.

"Yeah I came over to the Hale's, I got bored at home on my own" Stiles said walking up the outside stairs into the house to get some quiet to speak to his mom.

"Well me and your father are about an hour out of town...but it's late so how about you stay there tonight, we'll see you tomorrow morning?" His mom suggested, knowing it will be okay for him to stay overnight at the Hale's. He and all the Hale siblings; Laura, Derek and Cora always had sleepover when they were younger. Plus his mom and Talia have been best friends since they were 10, so their kids have practically grown up together.

"Yeah I'm good with that, I'll talk to you tomorrow then" Stiles said, his parents have been away for around two days so he can't wait to see them.

"Okay baby, I love you, have a good night" his mom said sweetly in her kind and gentle voice.

"I love you too mom, tell dad he's going to be making up for the baseball game he missed" Stiles warned through the phone.

"Don't worry baby I'll be sure to tell him" She chuckled and he could hear his dad on the other side saying he'll make it up to him.

With a goodbye Stiles returned back to the garden, and sneaked up behind Derek and tackled him to the ground. Cora ran over to them and pushed Stiles back down so he was laying beside Derek.

Whilst laughing Derek let out a small "Oww" holding onto his left shoulder.

"You get what you deserve" Stiles said getting up onto his feet and grabbing Cora's arm putting her in a headlock to give her a nuggie.

She slapped his back and he let go with a chuckle, holding his hand out to help Derek up off the ground.

"Stilinski" Derek said.

"Hale" Stiles replied, they both looked across at Cora and gave her a devilish smile.

"I call a truce" she called as they chased after her around the outside of the Hale house.
"Hey Sti, wake up" Stiles was brutally shaken awake that morning, when he refused to wake up Derek jumped on top of him.

Stiles let out a brunt "Ugh" grunting at the impact of Derek hitting his back "Get off you big lug" Stiles groaned at Derek, as he attempted to get from underneath the boy, but failed.

"God, aren't you a grumpy old sod in the morning" Derek said getting off his best friend, leaving a slap on his back.

"Cause you woke me up before my body and brain were ready to" Stiles rolled over, and rested his arms underneath his head so his chest was on display.

"Well it's 11:00 and I'd prefer if you were awake when I'm doing this" Derek stood at the end of the bed and yanked the blanket away and threw it to the floor.

Stiles smirked and sat up with his elbows holding his weight. Derek got on the bed and crawled up Stiles' body, leaving a trail of kisses up his legs, to his thighs, across his chest, and finally his lips.

"Mhm Derek" Stiles moaned as Derek did that thing with his tongue that he likes.

"Are you glad I woke you up now?" Derek pulled back and took off the boy's shirt, securing it over Stiles' eyes so he could not see.

"Very much so..." Stiles smirked and bit his bottom lip, a move he knew Derek could not resist. He placed both palms on Stiles' chest and pushed him down onto the mattress. He traced his fingers over a scar that Stiles has where he had surgery to remove his appendix and placed a gentle kiss there, an adorable and innocent gesture.

"Good" Derek said getting off the bed, he crossed the room and locked his door, not wanting anyone walking in on them during this.

He climbed back on top of Stiles and took off his boxers roughly along with his. He kissed along his v-line and down his thighs, teasing Stiles as he licked his tip.

"Derek please" Stiles moaned, he put his hands on Derek's head pushing him down closer. He took the whole of Stiles in his mouth, and bobbed up and down. "Oh I'm definitely glad you woke me up"
"You're gonna have to do that more often" Stiles laughed as he and Derek made their way downstairs. They entered the living room and the entire Hale family were sitting there, shocked looks on all their faces, a few tears falling down Talia's face.

"God...who died?" Derek joked when no one said anything, his mom looked at him and shook her head as an indication to not say anything "It was a joke" he said, getting seriously worried now.

"Well I um...I'll leave you all be, I told my mom I'd be home early since I haven't seen them in a while" Talia let out a strained sob when Stiles said that.

"Stiles...um why don't you sit down?" Michael; their dad suggested leading Stiles to the sofa. Stiles sat down and looked at everyone's faces and was immediately worried "We have to tell you something" he said sitting beside him.

"Okay...now you're scaring me" Stiles forced out a laugh, he always does it when he's nervous, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Honey...there's um...there's been an accident" Talia began kneeling down in front of Stiles, taking his hands in her's "With your parents" she said gently.

"What?!" Stiles exclaimed standing up, Derek didn't waste any time and raced over to him and held him close "Where are they? Are they okay? I need to..."

"Stiles I'm sorry-"

"No, no don't say it, the second you say it it will all come true, and i can't have that" Stiles shook his head intensely not wanting what's coming next to be true.

"Honey I'm so sorry, but they didn't...they're both gone" Talia said as softly as she could, her tears making an appearance once again.

"No, no, no..." Stiles fell to the floor, repeating these words over and over again, not wanting it to be true. Derek dropped down with him, and held onto him tightly.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm here" Derek whispered in his ear, honestly he couldn't tell what's going to happen next, he doesn't know how Stiles is going to be. But all he knows is that he is not leaving, he's always going to be by his side. And that's exactly what he told the boy.
"Hi" Derek said kneeling down on the grass beside Stiles, he looked over at the man that had just sat beside him and smiled slightly but didn't say anything, then he looked back in front of him. Derek took Stiles' hand in his and rubbed gentle circles on the back, letting him know he's here for him, whenever he want's to talk.

"I wish they were here, you know?" Stiles said looking down at the head stones that read his parents names, and the date of their death.

"I know, I wish they were here too" Derek said softly.

"It's harder some days then others, like when we were graduating, on their birthdays, mothers day, fathers day; and not being able to thank them for making me who I am today" Stiles brushed away a stray tear that had made its way down his cheek "And tomorrow...it's going to be hard not having them in the front row, but I know that whilst we're up there, they're both looking down at us smiling. And no matter what, tomorrow's going to be the best day of my life, cause it's the day I get to marry my best friend" he looked over at Derek and gave him a real smile.

"They're proud of you, there's no reason not to be" Derek said brushing a piece of stray hair from Stiles' face "So am I, there'll never be a day when I'm not proud of you, you're so strong and you handle things so well, and I am so happy that tomorrow I get to call you my husband"

"I love you, so much" Stiles rested his forehead against Derek's and let the silence overtake them for a short while "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me"
Published~August 17, 2019

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