19~You and Me

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"Where are we going?" Stiles asked as Derek led him up some steps whilst he was blindfolded.

"It's a secret" Derek said squeezing his boyfriend's hand, Stiles could detect a smile on Derek's lips when he said that.

"You've said that once, plus you know I hate secrets" Stiles stated not liking the idea of being led into the unknown.

"Since when?" Derek exclaimed "You love surprises, probably more than you love me"

"Loving something more than you is easy" Stiles said slyly with a smirk on his lips.

"Is that so?" Derek said, Stiles' hand went cold as Derek was no longer holding it.

"Derek?" Stiles called out to him, when he didn't get an answer he went to pull off his blindfold, only to be stopped by two hands taking hold of his as he ran his fingers down Stiles' arms slowly "I'd usually love this feeling, but the whole 'where the hell am I' vibe overpowers that"

"Really?" Derek asked, Stiles could feel how close Derek was as his breath was hot on his neck, and then it was gone, just like before.

"Derek" Stiles whined holding his arms out for Derek to fill "I have had this damn blindfold on for god knows how long, and I would appreciate it if you would let me see your handsome face" Stiles was hoping if he was to throw a compliment in there then it would take his argument a little further, and Derek would allow him to take it off.

"Ok, you can take it off" Derek's voice called from behind him.

Stiles didn't waste any more time and he undid the knot, once he did a beautiful view of the mountains and the sunset was in front of him. When he went to turn around to Derek, his hands circled around his waist. Stiles leaned into the touch, and rested his head on Derek's shoulder.

"It's beautiful Der" Stiles said in awe of the view in front of him, Derek let go of Stiles as he walked forward to admire the view. As Stiles turned back around his hands immediately went up to his mouth, covering a small gasp. He looked down at Derek who was on one knee with a red box in his hands.

"Stiles-" Derek began, only to be cut off by Stiles.

"What are you-" Derek had gotten used to Stiles cutting him off in the many years of knowing one another, and he's learnt to deal with it, but in this case he was not going to take it.

"Stiles, ever since I met you I knew you were the one for me, that night in the woods I looked at you and I felt something in me, something I'd never felt before. And when you spoke, that's when I realised that you were the one I wanted to be with, for the rest of my life"

"My life is complicated" Stiles said.

"I like complicated" is all Derek said, as he proceeded to give Stiles his puppy dog eyes.

"I have a lot of baggage" it seemed like this was a test, to see if Derek would change his mind.

"I love you Stiles, and I love your son" Derek stood up as he said this, placing his palm-the one without the ring-on Stiles' cheek.

"This is a big commitment to sign up for, not just to be my husband, but also a father" Derek went to say something, but Stiles cut him off "Oliver has had too much people in his life that he has lost, don't be another person added to that list"

"I'm not walking away" Derek said with a softness in his voice.

Stiles wasn't able to give him an answer at that moment, they'd been dating for only 6 months and Derek had asked him that question. He doesn't just have himself to think about in this situation, but also his son.

So one day, a week after the proposal, both of them were laying in bed, Stiles watching tv, and Derek reading one of his favourite books. When suddenly the word; "Yes" was muttered under Stiles' breath.

"What?" Derek turned to look at his boyfriend who out of nowhere spoke up when it was nothing but silence.

"Let's do it" when Derek continued to look at Stiles with no idea what he was going on about Stiles elaborated on his point "Let's get married" he stated.

"Stiles I-" Derek didn't even get to finish was he was about to say before Stiles' anxiety took over and he cut Derek off from going any further, afraid of what might be his answer.

"It's just that I've been thinking, like all I want in the world is to just keep talking to you, I wanna know how your day was, where you wanna eat, and I wanna argue with you, and I wanna hear all your theories, even the ones that are completely...you know...wrong, and I know it's not that simple-"

"Stiles!!" Derek was the one to cut the other off this time, Stiles was looking down at his hands during his rambling but now he was looking Derek straight in the eyes, mostly because Derek had his hands on either side of Stiles' face, holding him there steadily. "Could you shut up so I can say yes" Stiles' unsure look was soon overtaken with a bright smile that lit up his entire face.

"What?" Stiles asked, unsure if what he was hearing was real.

"I said yes, I will marry you" Derek said brightly, causing a smile to appear on Stiles' lips.

"I love you, so much" Stiles laughed as a few tears flowed down his cheeks.

"I love you too" Derek leaned forward, capturing Stiles' lips with his own "Oh, I almost forgot" he pulled away for a second and searched through the table beside the bed.

"What are you looking for?" Stiles was curious to what he was doing.

"This" Derek turned back to Stiles with the red box in his hand, he opened it up and Stiles was welcomed with a lovely, shinning silver ring inside.

"You always did have good taste" Stiles admired the ring as Derek slid it onto his ring finger.

"I chose you didn't I" Derek stated with nothing but pure love in his eyes.

"You're such a sap" Stiles chuckled as he leaned into Derek's warmth, resting his forehead against his fiancée's "That sounds so sexy" he mumbled.

"What does?" Derek asked kissing him gently.

"Calling you my fiancée" Stiles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and let a smile form on his lips.

"Well don't get too attached, soon you'll be calling me your husband" Derek said that word with such love and warmth in his voice.

"You know, this means you are stuck with me forever...you do realise that, right?" Stiles pulled his head away just enough to see Derek's face.

"I know what a marriage proposal entails, Stiles" Derek said with a light chuckle escaping his mouth "That was kind of the idea"

"No but I mean, like forever, forever" Stiles repeated it to make sure Derek heard him correctly "It's you and me big guy, for a life time, till death do us part, and all that jazz"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" he said with a large smile, he's always had his way with words.
Published~April 23, 2020

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