10~He Loves Me

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It all happened so quick, one second they were walking through the park hand in hand, the next Derek was pulled away from him and a knife was pushed into his gut by this guy, who then ran off.

Derek fell to his knees and before he could fall backwards onto the grass Stiles caught his body and held him in his arms.

"No, no, no" Stiles repeated over and over again, holding his hand to Derek's wound that was pouring out with blood non stop, and it was like a never ending river.

"Stiles..." Derek spoke quietly, his  name had never sounded so rough on his lips.

"Hey it's going to be alright, okay? Just save your breath" Stiles held onto him tighter, resting his other hand on Derek's cheek, that was going pale.

"It's okay, I'm not scared" Derek said this to calm Stiles down .

"Yes, cause there's no reason to be, you are going to be okay" Stiles cried as he looked around for anyone that could help.

"Stiles, I love you" Derek said, it could be the last time he said it, so he wanted to make sure that he gets it out there.

"No, the first time you tell me that is not going to be your last Derek" Stiles pointed out like he was accusing Derek of some crime that he wasn't sure of.

"I have to tell you something-" before Derek got to finish that sentence his eyes closed, and he went limp in Stiles' arms.

He couldn't explain what it was like, he could feel and hear everything around him, but he couldn't see what was going on. He felt and heard the blowing wind passing him, a cold breeze against his skin, the leaves on trees in the distance waving in the wind.

But the one sound he wanted to hear more than anything, was the voice of the boy he was holding in his arms.

"I love you Derek, please don't go, hold on for me" he felt lips press against his forehead, and then a cold breeze hit the same place when he pulled away.

Then interrupting his final moment was a sound of a siren in the back, not too far away Derek calculated. He little while after he felt Stiles' arms letting go of him, as he was forced to let the EMT's do their jobs. He was lifted onto the board with ease and clipped in he was guessing from the clicking noise. Soon he felt like he was moving and a hand circling around his own, as they squeezed as tight as they could; Stiles.
"You have to wake up Derek" was all he heard, out of nowhere this voice appeared, one second it was complete silence, and then a bunch of ringing, a lot of footsteps, and machines beeping, but he cancelled all of those noises out, and he concentrated on the one that meant most to him; his boyfriend.

He couldn't open his eyes, he couldn't reach his hand out for Stiles to take hold, he couldn't do anything, he could only lay there, paralysed almost. He spent a long time in that state, trying to force his brain to wake up, and let Stiles know that he's okay, that he didn't leave him.

Until another voice spoke over his inner voice "Stiles, come on let's get you something to eat" Derek soon recognised the voice to be Scott.

"I'm not hungry" it was like watching a movie, that you could not visually see, only hear.

"You haven't eaten in over a day" that pained Derek to hear, Stiles was only starving himself by doing this, he was begging for his eyes to open so he could force some food into Stiles' stubborn mouth.

"I don't care, I'm not leaving his side" Derek's wish was granted when Stiles' hand slipped into his, it was different from usual, his hand was usually warm and comforting, but now it was cold and stiff, but he knew it was his boyfriend's hand.

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