2~I Trust You

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Stiles was awaken that morning to loud banging on his door "Wake up kid, you're going to school" his uncle yelled from the other side of the door, Stiles dragged himself out of his beaten up bed; which wasn't technically a bed, it was a mattress with all the springs jabbing into his back whenever he lay on it. He stood up and stretched his back, something that he's come to learn to do each morning with his current living situation. "Kid!! What'd I say" he yelled again banging even louder on the door that Stiles swore the hinges would fly off

"I'm up, god!!" Stiles yelled frustratingly back as he swung the door open, he pushed past him and walked over to the bathroom which doesn't even have an actual door, instead it's a shower curtain that has been nailed into the wall. As he went to flush the handle broke of and water sprayed him in the face which caused him to jump back and fall into the already fragile sink

"What're you doing in there boy" his uncle stormed in, no care for Stiles' privacy, he looked unimpressed with the sight in front of him "What have you done?" he turned his gaze towards Stiles, who was currently still up against the sink

"It's your cheap skate ass that's the problem, not me" Stiles fought back

"Listen here kid, everything around ya is all you got, your mum's dead, your dad's dead-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as Stiles pushed him into the wall, and using all his strength to hold him in place

"You can say anything about me, but if anything about my parents come out of that filthy mouth of yours then your gonna be sorry" his uncle got his arms in between Stiles' and hit them away so he was no longer holding them up

"She was my little sister, which means I'm allowed to say anything I'd like, and right now I'm saying get out of this house and go to school for once, or I'll drag you there myself" Stiles pushed him in the chest and walked out the house grabbing an apple on the way, he slammed the door shut as he made his way down the gravel walkway of the house, he walked for about 10 minutes through the shady neighbourhood, thankful to be out of there. Since he was put into the care of his uncle after his dad died whilst on a case he hasn't cared for much around him, he lost all his passion for law enforcement, he lost contact with his friends; even Scott, and now he no longer had Roscoe and he now walks everywhere.

This is what it has been like for the past 4 months of living with his uncle, and it's what it will continue to be like until he gets to leave the place. And over those 4 months no attempt has been made by either of them to connect, and get to know one another, but who can blame Stiles, I mean he hasn't seen the guy since he was 5, he didn't even show up to his own sisters funeral. But after reliving the same morning over and over, there was no end in sight for Stiles where he could clearly see it picking up, and getting better. Until a few weeks later, the morning started out as one of Stiles' normal mornings nowadays.

"Listen I want you going to school today okay" his uncle said handing him a plate of burnt toast that hadn't even been buttered "I don't want you running around the neighbourhood doing whatever it is you do" Stiles didn't answer he just looked down at his toast with a disgusted look on his face, that was until his uncle clapped his hands in his face getting his attention "Hey!! You understand that, yes, no, what?"

"Yes" he answered looking up

"Look I get it, I get it, your dad ain't here no more, and it sucks, but I'm dealing with it, and you need to start dealing with it too. alright?" again there was no answer from Stiles "Fine, go on then, get outta here" Stiles did just that, he threw his plate onto the side and left the house, but once he'd reached the exit of the neighbourhood he remembered that he hadn't brought something to eat, so he looked around him and saw that there was a petrol station a few feet away. Once he got there he wasted no time waiting around and went straight in to get what he wanted, when no one was around he stuffed a few packets of sweets in his pockets but held one in his hands and got a drink and went to pay so it wouldn't make him look suspicious if he came in and left empty handed. He handed the cashier the money and thanked him and then gave him a smile before exiting the place.

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