Chapter 1: Transportation

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Aquarius Resort

Luxury Villa 23

March 30

1500 hours

After I let Cyrus know that I was in on the mission to take down SPYDER, I went back to the villa. We would sleep the night there and then commandeer two helicopters from the cruise ship that was now docked at the port. Everyone who was on Operation Tiger Shark agreed to go with Cyrus to track down SPYDER and defeat them, once and for all. The breeze ruffled my hair, I breathed in the smell of the ocean, thinking about what had happened today. Erica and I had infiltrated SPYDER's base, been chased back to our villa, Catherine had showed up, I had figured out SPYDER's plot, been taken hostage, and sabotaged SPYDER's plans to melt the arctic and make a ton of money.

Oh, and there was the fact that I had explained to Zoe why I hadn't kissed her. It had seemed like she'd understood, at least a little, and things were a bit less weird between us. Erica had seemed happy that I was alive, showing a bit of relief, which was a lot for her. She usually kept all her emotions inside, even when it was insanely impossible. But she had also seemed annoyed that I was holding hands with Zoe. Again, showing emotion when you were Erica means it meant A LOT to you.

I was brought back to the present when a wave crashed into me. It was really big, I guessed it was high tide, and I was swiftly swept off my feet. My head crashed into the water, and since I had gasped in surprise, I promptly inhaled a mouth full of water. The waves kept pounding me, and I tried to swim up. Unfortunately, I didn't know which way was up. I kept tumbling for about thirty seconds, only once getting some air.

I felt a hand grab my collar and pull me towards what I assumed was the surface. I coughed up water and rubbed the salt from my eyes. I coughed some more, and saw incredibly blue eyes and dark hair looking at me. Erica rolled her eyes, and dragged me towards the beach, which was about was about one-hundred feet away.

"How'd you know?" I gasped.

"I saw you walk in the direction of the waves, but your body language suggested you were in deep though, not watching where you were going. I put my course back to the villa angling towards here in case you were not paying attention. I saw you go under and ran into the water,"

"Thanks," I managed.

We were now close enough to shore that I could reach the bottom. I started walking, instead of swimming, and asked Erica, "Next time you decide to trick all of us, can you at least tell me first? I really thought that was my last moment alive, up on the top floor of the suite."

"And you spent it looking at me," Erica said, a slight smirk on her face. "And maybe, yes, next time I'll tell you, only if there is enough time."

My face burned up at her first sentence. I had indeed spent the couple seconds that I thought were my last looking at Erica.

"How did you know that?" I asked, defensively.

"I didn't. You just proved right now that you did. I thought there was a good chance you'd be looking at Zoe," she said curtly. Was that a little bit of jealousy I heard in her voice? Probably not.

We were now halfway back to the villa, and Zoe ran up to it right at that moment. I glanced at Erica, and she glanced back. I didn't want Zoe to get the wrong idea, and by the looks of it, Erica didn't either. It was too late though, Zoe was already looking at us. She didn't seem to happy. We walked the rest of the way back to the villa.

"Um, what are you doing?" she asked, annoyed.

"I lost my balance and fell into the waves, then got sucked out in a rip current. Erica saved me." I said, trying to make it sound like no big deal. Zoe was not fooled.

"Whatever," she muttered, and went back inside. I sighed, and followed her in. I got a robe out of a closet, and put it on, taking my Farkles t-shirt and shorts off. I put them in a washing machine that doubled as a dryer, and went to one of the many showers, and spent a good thirty minutes washing up. After I was done, I put the robe on and went to the kitchen to see if there was any food in the fridge. When I got to the living room, I saw everyone was eating. Catherine had cooked food for all of us.

"Why hello, Benjamin!" she said warmly, giving me a hug. "How are you doing, considering we just stopped SPYDER's plans, and you are now on a new mission to take them down once and for all?"

"I'm nervous I guess. We don't know where they are,"

"Well, I suppose that's true, but we do know where we are going to get supplies," she said.


"Britain!" she said excitedly. "You're going to finally meet MI6!"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Do you want some food?"

"Oh, yes please,"

Catherine proceed to put a ton of food on my plate, most of which I didn't know what they were. She also gave me a cup of tea. I sat down on the couch next to Mike. We ate our food in silence, and once I was done, I put my plate in the sink and went to get my clothes out of the dryer. The bright neon green Farkles t-shirt and my own shorts were warm and dry. I put them on in my room and went back to the living room. It was four o'clock, and I was still amped up on adrenaline from our ATV chase.

Joshua had gotten hauled out of the cenote, and received medical attention. Cyrus had stayed with him the whole time with a machine gun pointed at his head in case Joshua tried anything funny. Then he assigned ten commandos from Mexico to watch over Joshua and knock him out if he tried anything funny. He trusted that SPYDER did not have moles in the Mexican army. Also, when the medics were doing surgery, Cyrus had put a tracking device inside Joshua's body. So, from now on, we would know where he is at all times, at least for now. There was a good chance Joshua would try to take it out.

Catherine had taken Murray back to the villa, literally in chains. She had asked for some metal chains, and some were provided. She proceeded to wrap them around Murray, and haul him back to the villa where she kept an eye on him.

He now plopped on the couch, chains clanking.

"Hey Ben!" he said. "You'll be glad to know that I told your buddies over there that you will need to go to Britain, right? That's where they key will go, or fit. However you like to say it." he said excitedly.

I gave him a hard stare, after all, he had tried to hand us over to SPYDER, and then begged for their forgiveness too many times to count.

"Oh, Ben, you're still mad that I tried to hand you guys over, right? Oh well. At least I'm hoping you bring them down!"

"You said that last time," I said, and went to my room. I closed the door, and reviewed how to shoot a gun in my heard, acting out the parts with a prop. I knew that I would most likely only be in a situation that needed a gun with Erica, but it couldn't hurt to practice just in case.

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