Chapter 21: Why is this so cliché? (World War III)

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A/N  Thank you to @RushPossibility for the title of the chapter. Aaaaaaand sorry for the long wait. I just have a lot of homework and sports, and I couldn't update. Well, I could have, but which to you prefer: a short wait for a short terrible chapter or a long wait for a long good chapter? I think we all know it's the latter. I also kind of ended on a cliffy back there, and I'm sorry (kind of XD). 

I think most of you know that I had the amazing opportunity to read Spy School: British Invasion. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Just  FYI, all of our stories and ideas are COMPLETElY WRONG. I'm also not changing my story one bit to make it more like the book, nor am I going to tell you anything bout the book. It's always better to be surprised. However, I will be posting a review on Goodreads under the name "Strawberry" and you might want to check it out.

Now, without further ado, vote, comment, and enjoy!

A large clearing

A forest in England

April 2

1530 hours

Mr. E's menacing words rang throughout the clearing ominously.

Then, the most cliché of cliché fights started. Both sides ran at each other, guns at the ready. So many shots rang out you couldn't tell who was firing more. I stayed by the helicopter and grabbed an extra machine gun just in case.

I turned to the battlefield and watched as SPYDER was slowly gaining advantage because of their numbers. I tried to find Erica in the sea of people, but this was quickly proved impossible.

I went back to sit in the helicopter. Watching everyone shoot at each other like that made me feel sick. And then I saw a SPYDER agent pocking around the helicopters. They looked like the bad guys from cop movie right before they get busted.

They kept getting closer to my helicopter, and I took close aim at their foot. I shot twice, and one bullet found its mark. I watched the person double over, fell to the ground, and I felt immensely guilty immediately.

I just inflicted the same pain of that person that I was experiencing. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, except Mr. E. Since he was the one who shot me. Duh.

Suddenly, my chest felt a sharp pain that made me double over. I fell to the ground of the helicopter, my body racking with pain. I looked down to the bandages and saw that the blood would soak through to my shirt soon. I slowly got up and went to sit in one of the seats.

Then, I heard another helicopter. I got up to poke my head outside and saw that it was descending ten feet away from me. I clutched my gun harder, until I saw the people who came out of the helicopter.

I never thought I'd see Claire from Spy Camp ever again. She saw me the second I saw her.

"Why, isn't it the famous smokescr-" she stopped short when she really saw me. "What happened to you? You look like hell."

"Yeah." I said, my voice raspy. "I got shot."

"Well, I can see that now." Claire said, waving her hand around.

The rest of her posse got out of the helicopter behind her.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"MI6 thought it would be a good experience to send some of us out." She said, smirking.

I didn't think that was a very smart idea, to be frank. Sending junior agents out into the field was dangerous. Then. I realized how hypocritical I sounded in my head. I was a junior agent, and I was out in the field. Heck, I'd been shot.

"Claire, we'd better get out there." Her friend said. At least, that's what I thinkshe said. Her accent was so thick I could barely understand her.

"Yeah, ok." Claire said. "Hang in there." She said, turning back to me.

Then they ran off into the battlefield.

I sighed and tried to find Erica again. I saw Cyrus, and he was fighting off four people at once. I also saw Zoe. She had just thrown once person into two other people.

I went back to the helicopter and sat in the seat. All the moving around had really upset the wound. It was now bleeding again, and heavily. I needed to find Erica and get her to re-bandage it.

It had been twenty minutes since the start of the fight, and there weren't many people still fighting. And where there was fighting, it was far away from me. I looked down at the bandaged and saw it was covered in blood, so I set off to find Erica.

As I walked through the bodies, I saw that almost none of them were dead. Most were unconscious or moaning in pain. I saw most because I saw one guy from SPYDER that looked like he might me dead. His face was a ghostly pale and his mouth hung open.

I had almost thrown up then. This was funny, considering I was the one who had been shot, and I hadn't almost thrown up then. But seeing a dead body, realizing how permanent it was, really made me nauseous.

I continued walking over to where I thought Erica would be and saw Mr. E instead. He had a gun, and it was pointed at Erica's back. She didn't see him because she was busy fending off four SPYDER agents.

However, she was moving so fast, Mr. E couldn't get a clear shot. He shot one of his agents by accident, and Erica incapacitate the other three. For some reason, she didn't appear to have seen him yet. She bent down to pick up a gun, and Mr. E had a clear shot.

"Erica!" I yelled. "Behind you!" My chest exploded in pain from the effort.

Erica turned around and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Mr. E in the head. He fell to the floor, dead in an instant.

But it was worth it. If I had waited a split second later, Erica would be dead. I looked at Erica, wondering what killing someone had taken its toll yet. But she was gone. I looked around wildly, until I spotted her punching someone in the nose. I guess it hadn't really hit her yet.

I knew it would take its toll eventually though. Everyone who comes back from war is a changed person.

Just then, another helicopter came into view. It landed at the edge of the field, and two people got out. For some reason, they looked vaguely familiar.

They ran towards me, and then I saw the whiteness of Chip Schacter's smile, along with Jawa O'Shea.

"Hey Smokescreen!" they said in unison.

"Hi." I said back.

"What happened?" Jawa asked, noticing my blood-soaked shirt first.

"Mr. E shot me." I said matter-of-factly.

"What? No way! You're the first one in the school to be shot during their training years!" Chip quipped.

"Yay." I said sarcastically.

They both laughed.

"Well, I hate to say it, but, looks like you missed the fight!" I said, looking around, and seeing that all of the SPYDER agents have been subdued.

They both looked around and saw that I was right. There was no fighting going on anymore, and a couple people had their hands up.

"That's not fair!" Chip yelled.

"Common!" Jawa said, equally upset.

I chuckled and shook my head, for once almost not feeling the pain. Of course, nothing can last, and then I felt the pain the most.

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